Friday, October 25, 2019



On December 6th of 2011, former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton
spoke before the United Nations in Geneva Switzerland, giving what is considered to be her most famous speech. There she stated:

"All human beings are... free and equal in dignity and rights.. Rights, not conveyed by government, but the birthright of all people....


and because we have rights, Governments are bound to protect those rights... and allow freedom for the full expression of those rights.... "Today I want to talk to you about the work we have left to do to protect one group of people... in many ways, they are an invisible minority... Many are treated with contempt and violence by their fellow citizens while authorities empowered to protect them look the other way... "

Are you familiar with this speech? Is she saying that she is committed to protecting the rights of every person subject to violence or death due to discrimination? NO SHE IS NOT!

Here she is acknowledging the historical plight of the global LGBT population, and rightfully so; for the profound suffering they have endured.

But even as she strives to bring recognition to one group of hidden persons, she champions the destruction of another, as she continues to oppose any form of legal or social protections that would hinder their destruction. Another, much larger segment of our population: The unplanned, unborn among us.

Why are these humans residing in their mother's womb, deprived of their rights?

Is it our birth or our humanity that makes us deserving of dignity, freedom, and human rights?

As a human doesn't birthright include my right to be born?

The sanctuary of the womb is experienced by every human, regardless of race, creed or gender description. It is the natural place of nurturing and protection foundational to all positive human experience.

I heartily agree with the sentiments of Hillary's speech, but unlike Hillary or Bernie, I believe that every human, regardless of race, creed or gender description deserve dignity equality and the freedom to peruse their rights as LIVING HUMAN BEINGS whether wanted by the powerful people in their life or not.

See Hillary's statement on the rights of humans in the womb at,

Bernie Sanders statement on the rights of humans in the womb at,

See her full LGBT speech at..

Messaged Repies /Responses
(Reader's reply)...I get that you're against abortion and that you think that fetuses deserve equal rights to the mother.....
(My response)... I DO NOT SUPPORT EQUALITY. I oppose the right of a fetus, child or adult to end the life of their parent at any time. I believe that all humans deserve human rights, including parents, but precedence has been set that some family members can TERMINATE the lives of other family members under current law. This is what I oppose.
(Reader's reply)... But do you think Trump will be better on this issue than Clinton, and even if he is, how about the many other issues where Trump's positions seem horrible. Are you really a one issue voter or are you just appealing to emotion to get Trump elected?
(My response)... I am not writing about Trump. I am writing about what Hillary said in her speech and what is morally right as human beings. I would hope that both she and Trump would work to reduce the destruction of human lives.