Friday, October 25, 2019

Tumwater Hero


With all of the recent bantering over gun control including President Obama's speech after the Texas incident, I often wonder why so few see the folly in our fury. 

Our leaders have an amazing ability to divide us as they accomplish exactly the opposite of what they claim. Trump's threats of a wall have dramatically increased the flow of illegal immigration. 

And Obama's threats of gun control skyrocketed gun and ammunition sales during his administration. If you owned stocks in gun manufacturing you cashed in! As Trump would say... "It was a bonanza!" 

You would think they are both being paid commissions by the way they continue to beat their drums.

Since our leader's actions are so counterproductive I see that it is actually up to us in this land of freedom to decide what to do on an individual level.

On assault weapons and hand guns... I have little confidence in our government's ability to control these (potentially) illegal firearms. If they do as well with guns as they did with marijuana, illegal guns will be readily available on most of our school yards.

But I am not discouraged. I have great confidence in America's people! We are not as weak or helpless as our leaders assume us to be.

There are many everyday people of real courage and strength whose convictions lead them to courageous action. The kind of people that do us proud every time. I am inspired by those first responders that run toward trouble rather then away from it. I am also grateful for those who prepare in other ways. 

I guess that's how we got the title, 
America, Home of the Brave." 

"Land of the Free" 

As for me I say... A Big Thank-you to all that have taken real action. A Big Thank-you to those  educators who teach on gun safety and safe weapons storage. A Big Thank-you to those who sell guns responsibly and ethically. And a Very Big Thank-you to those who have educated themselves and prepared themselves to stop an active shooter.

See photos and an excellent article at: