Friday, November 1, 2019

With the recent death of Abu Bakr Albagdadi,

And the turn of events along the Syrian border, perspective can be helpful. The clips below describe Kayla Mueller and her families' experience as they trusted in director James Comey's FBI and Secretary of State John Kerry under Obama.
A tragic story of a very courageous young woman! Click videos below to see -15 minute - 20/20 presentations and article of her story. There are additional video links are at the bottom of the ABC 20/20 page if you click the label. (well worth the listen)

Her parent have created a foundation in her honor.

Although taken tortured and eventually humiliated as a sex slave according to the (in)justice of Islamic Law in the caliphate led by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, recently US forces honored her example of strength, courage and self sacrifice by destroying this caliphate and it's leader. Although a just and fair response, it was below Kayla's goal as a servant to the Gospel of Reconciliation that led her to Syria to begin with.
Her last Letter to her Family

So both in her sacrifice and the retribution that followed she is honored, as the operation to capture al-Baghdadi was named in her honor.

Kayla Mueller’s memory honored
 Cronkite News

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