Saturday, March 21, 2020



My photo depicts a competition for the reserve currency status in the world today. The U.S. dollar has provided the world with a sustained stable benchmark for many decades. This has been a win for most countries to this point. This status has also guaranteed our currency a relatively stable value in comparison to others. But with the frequent recent shut downs of the market and the competitive forces of China with her Belt and Road policy combined with her 5G technology, the Yuan, or perhaps even an electronic non paper currency based on the Yuan could supplant the Dollar as the word's reserve system.

As our capitalistic economies stagger to a halt in response to this Covid 19 pestilence. Our very way of doing business could unravel. This shake up could be so extreme that returning to the old system may be impossible. The change could be a very dramatic change, just as the 911 event completely changed travel.

Accepting the Dragon's Embrace 
through Belt and Road Subsidies

(click video below to hear story)
What does China's Belt and Road Initiative 
mean for Europe? | DW News

What does China own in the U.S.? 
| CNBC Explains

Are the Chinese Beating the 
Western Capitalist's at their own Game?

For decades China has advanced a kinder and gentler revolution, through extensions of capitalistic debt and exercising their global right of capitalistic ownership. With the arrival of President Trump in the White House, China's incursion into the U.S. has decreased abruptly. But China continues to be persistent shifting her focus to effectively ensnare and even seize control of many areas in the world, especially targeting weaker and more impoverished nations in strategic military locations.

(click video below to hear story)

Why is China on the move in the South Pacific?

On the day to day, these debts may seem manageable, but with the instability of this present crisis we could see a push for change. We could even see a push for the Yuan to be accepted as the world reserve currency. Perhaps the Chinese Government will offer major or complete debt relief to countries that accept this currency change offer. This would lessen the debt load for most countries, including our US of A. But if our current reserve status was supplanted, the expansion of dollars created for the domestic bailout could cause our currency to go down the same road as Argentina's or Venezuela's.

Recently China has extended astounding amounts of international debt in their massive push by building railroads and highways and ports as well as hospitals and schools... to create both human and financial capital through their strategic investments across the globe.

(click video below to hear story)
Who wins and who loses? China's Belt and Road Initiative

Consider how widespread China's interests are. Even the Biden family is set to reap great financial gain with China's financial success. 

These are excerpts. The initial tittle and summation of the article seem misleading. I suggest you (click the link above) to read the full article.

Currently the Saudi led OPEC oil trade has been the anchor that cements the U.S. Dollar's into the World Reserve Currency Status. But with the current resistance to oil trade and oil consumption in response to global warming and the disruptions in the Saudi Kingdom with the Saudi family's recent near death illness and in-family assassination attempts, there is significant instability. Will the Kingdom be able to maintain their control? Or could we soon morph into a completely new economic system?

The Dragon's Breath,... 
An accidental  Pandemic

This link is to an interesting article by Steven Mosher, President of the Population Research Institute, author and writer in the New York Post writes about activities that occurred at the epicenter of this current pandemic.

Wuhan Institute of Virology National Bio-safety Lab

You can hear Mr Mosher speak about his concerns on this topic. 
Start at minute 14:30 
and extending to minute 19:22
of the video below.

(Posted March 6, 2020)
Coronavirus May Have Leaked From A Lab

(Institute Response April 17, 2020)

Wuhan Institute of Virology: 

Man-made coronavirus beyond human intelligence
Virologist Dr. Li-Meng Yan Claims Coronavirus Lab 'Cover-Up'
Made Her Flee China ( September, 11 2020)

Below is a screen shot, of the page and the video that was not directly accessible through Blogger. 
Note disclaimer from University of Hong Kong on last line of text. Post published Sept 16, 2020 Tucker Carlson show see link below to see video interview.

China's Censorship Helped Start a Pandemic

How China Corrupted the 
World Health Organization's 
Response to COVID-19

and more recently...

Saagar Enjeti: Lab-Leak Hypothesis Could Reveal EPIC Screwup Of US, Fauci AND China

Apr 8, 2021

Only the future will hold the answer to these questions. Currently my statements on changes in the world's Reserve Currency are merely presumption. To my knowledge, no official statements about Reserve Currency have been made. But in this very competitive and ever changing world, vigilantly looking ahead with an awareness of  Bible prophesy in mind, is important. Reserve Currency may change, or a parallel series of events could bring the imposition of a similar intensely controlled global economic system that includes the removal of freedom to worship as is described in the book of Revelation. 

Life Inside China's Total Surveillance State

China closing Christian churches 
in Easter crackdown

As Christian man, watching for the signs of Christ's return, I find these events worthy of attention. As many of you may know, I have been following events that appear to correlate with Bible prophecies for some time. A list of them related to past global scares and climate change events can be found in the videos and commentary in the link below.

click link below (not picture) to see a correlation of  video listings and commentary on global events predicted in Bible Prophesy. 

If you find any of this troubling, or would like further explanation, I suggest that you seek out and talk to a person of the Christian faith in your sphere of friends. This writing is not meant to cause alarm. It is meant to awaken those that have been comfortably sleeping in this land of plenty. 

Apr 22, 2020
The U.S.-China battle to control 
COVID-19 narrative -- and blame

As this pandemic continues 
a self appointed savior emerges 
from the crisis and literally 
displaces worship across the globe. 

See full article at 

Most of the world’s major religions have either cancelled or drastically curtailed their festivals involving large gatherings of people. And there are many!

The Hindu festival Rama Navami, is on April 2nd,

Sikh festival of Vaisakhi is a April 5th,

The Jewish Passover begins on April 8th,

Easter for Western Christianity is April 12th, 

Easter in Eastern Orthodox churches on April 17,

The Islamic holy month of Ramadan
 begins around 23 April.

The Basilica in Rome was closed off and 
public masses and funerals were cancelled.

Most churches across the world have already
 advised congregants to stay home due to 
official bans on services of worship and most 
people are deciding simply to stay at home.

The Greek Orthodox church, however, has
 refused to suspend the ritual of worship.

Ramadan for the world’s 1.8 billion Muslims 
Friday prayers have already been suspended 
across the Middle East as a result of the virus. 

Saudi Arabia has banned overseas pilgrims 
from performing umrah to the holy sites 
of Mecca and Medina and to the hajj in July. 

The Muslim Council of Britain are considering 
the suspension of congregational prayers and events,

Jews and Christians wishing to visit Israel for
 the Passover and Easter holidays are effectively
 barred from visiting the historical sites. 

US synagogues are cancelling all communal events. 

The prime minister of India, Narendra Modi, 
an outspoken Hindu, announced he would
 not take part in public celebrations and has advised
 India's people to also avoid large gatherings.

USA vs China: The new cold war on the horizon | DW Analysis

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