Monday, July 19, 2021

Celebrating on Independence Day

A Miraculous Union!  

Many woke American's now morn on the 4rth of July as they imagine a monolithic global racist hierarchy. This narrative wrongly ignores the theme of the holiday. The miracle of the 4rth was not their inability to self criticize and fragment over disagreement. The miracle of the 4rth was the formation of a functioning Union among a group of colonialists who disagreed so intensely.

This new America became what today's progressives would call, "The Re-imagining," of Government in the Western World. Even with her many flaws the greatness of America stands out. When focused on her shortcomings (and that is what they are) it is easy to overlook the valiant efforts that were made by courageous individuals who challenged the injustices of slavery in America. But repentance is hard, and it is easier just to ignore pervasive problems like slavery; even as we do in our world today. Then like now wealth, comfort and pleasure seeking makes the reality of world wide emancipation impossible, at least in our preoccupied minds. Throughout human history vulnerability to exploitation, combined with avarice, and military ambition motivated exploitation of people groups, and tribal groups were often much more vulnerable. It is sad that the nature of mankind seeks advantage over his fellow and it is human triumph when justice prevails. The inspiring speaker, Fredrick Douglas, presented in the link below, contrasts the strengths and hypocrisies of the pre and post Civil War time that he lived in, as well as the culture at the time of the nation's founders. Hear him below.

Frederick Douglass | What To The Slave Is The 4th of July?
But to admit that we fall short does not mean that we do not aspire. To be balanced we must remember the courage and integrity of many black leaders like Douglas, along with many of his white contemporaries, even some of wealth and power. All were examples of vision and integrity much like the Jewish person mentioned in the blog below who committed himself to redeeming one group of modern day slaves. see story described in this screen capture...

Among them was the wealthy Philanthropist and British Parliamentarian James Oglethorpe who founded the Georgia Colony. He associated with those who later inspired William Wilberforce. Neither were colonists, but both were instrumental in emancipating the enslaved subjects of the British Empire. Oglethorpe was a man of action, a problem solver, a prison reformer who resettled many of Britain's poorest debtors' from prisons into the New World. In his colony, slavery was banned. Wilberforce persevered through 35 years of poor health and constant defeat before achieving victory through the process of dis-incentivizing financial investment and profit in the slave trade. History also shows that Thomas Jefferson clearly intended to address the issue of slavery in the Declaration of Independence in his early drafts, where he wrote... "He has waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating its most sacred rights of life & liberty in the persons of a distant people who never offended him, captivating & carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere or to incur miserable death in their transportation thither." This phrase, “Cruel war against human nature itself " accurately reflected the views of many of America's founders and other white Europeans at that time and many spoke out, but not enough to pull the majority and even their lives were filled with the compromises of their culture. They may have been good hearted individuals, like many of us today who have strong convictions, but they also caved to the pressures of their culture. Even before the Declaration of Independence the Pennsylvania Abolition Society, known as "The Society for the Relief of Free Negroes Unlawfully Held in Bondage" was founded April 14, 1775. Eventually Benjamin Franklin was elected as the organization's president and he presented ending slavery to the Constitutional Convention as well as petitioning the U.S Congress to ban slavery in 1790. The Society eventually had members and leaders of all races. It is the oldest known abolitionist organization in the United States and continues to seek improvement on issues of fairness in our criminal justice system. Fredrick Douglas in his speech, (see link above), describes the grave hypocrisies we commonly defend and the incredible moral price we pay when we refuse to examine our attitudes and actions; hypocrisies great enough to divide America into warring factions. But consider; Are our inconsistencies unlike theirs? Don't we and our political leaders willingly overlook extreme discrimination in the form of modern day slavery, cultural exploitation and even organ harvesting and involuntary abortions among persecuted people groups in China; and this to maximize business profits and enjoy cheap consumer goods? Aren't we enhancing our wealth, our power, our pleasure and our comfort at their expense? Perhaps you could say... The difference is our level of ideological commitment. But aren't we the ones who joined our newly elected leaders in callous disregard of the crimes and atrocities foisted on families, and their children abandoned on our southern border? Now will we run to the rescue in pretence of mercy to save the surviving victims of this political humanitarian crisis? The crisis we worked to create by dismantling cooperative organized efforts with our neighbors; the crisis that enriches the criminal elements in these nations and impoverishes their population? Can we now bathe our consciences in waves of self congratulatory virtue? There is much that must be done to protect these children. But first we have to see the problem. With our recent withdrawal from Afghanistan I am reminded of Malala Yousafzai who was shot by the Taliban as she attempted to inspire girls in her community to attend school. She survived and became an international speaker. In 2014 Kailash Satyarthi and Malala Yousafzai were both honored with the Nobel Peace Prize. Shortly before Kailash gave an excellent speech on child slavery while receiving the Wallenberg Award. Hear him below.

One thing is certain; with the measure that we judge; we will surely be judged. Like our founders who struggled with the realities of their time. We will either succeed or fail based on our actions, and currently we are failing. We are not willing to accurately address the glaring problems that we create.
How is the process of solving these problems inherently different from solving the problem that our founders faced? Their failures eventually led to what Lincoln labeled a Judgment of God. Will our failures be seen differently?
Throughout history discrimination and oppression has occurred along various lines and not been confined to race. Remember Jonathan Swift's, "Modest Proposal"? Here the persecution through extortion, coercion and starvation was a re-visiting of the, "religious wars," which had nothing to do with race.
Douglas was right to both extol and complain about America! But he also worked constructively to make it better.
To consider more on Lincoln and slavery including steps to remedy present day slavery, see blog at:

Friday, June 18, 2021

Are you WORSE than a Jan, 6th protester?

(catching up with the Russians)


were held as a POLITICAL PRISONER?

Is it possible that YOUR attendance

at a BLM protest could be morally WORSE

than a person WHO FOLLOWED the crowd

into the Capitol Building on January 6th?

should be levied?

Currently our Legal system led by Attorney General Merrick Garland is doubling down on perceived threats to our Government with a, "New National Strategy!"
Attorney General Merrick says his policies and actions are motivated by the violence that occurred at the January 6th event and not any political point of view.

Hear him speak on this in the video below:

Currently the detained January 6th (Protestors/Insurrectionist) are being impoverished as they are held in a special jail facility where many are kept in isolation and denied any option of posting bail to obtain their release.
Hear Author Julie Kelly with commentator Mark Levin describe the conditions and situation that the January 6th Protesters/Insurrectionist face in the link below:

(above link no longer available)

Hear Author Julie Kelly with commentator Dinesh D'Souza
in a similar interview in link below.
(Story at minute 9:07to minute 36:16 in link)
And now consider our Presidents trip as he met with our European allies and opponents.

How can we who consider ourselves, "being back," as Moral Leader of the, "Free World," label Putin's actions as unjust when we mirror his unjust/unreasonable detention methods for treating political prisoners here in the U.S! Our new Attorney General Garland says the ",actions," of our new, "national strategy," are about violence. But during the 2016 ANTIFA anti-Trump post election protests, and the hundreds of BLM/ANTIFA protests that have followed. Thousands have been injured and many scores killed, beginning with the man shot here in Portland during the 2016 ANTIFA led post election riot. Consider the following article.

Although extensive violence and destruction did occur at the January 6th event in Washington D.C., it occurred on a much smaller level and the people who died as a direct result were the protesters. So what is different about these protests? To begin with... THE JANUARY 6TH CROWD DID NOT RETURN!
Their rally had been HIJACKED in a way that was INTOLERABLE for the vast majority of those that had gathered. And the LAWLESS ACTIONS that occurred HAVE BEEN UNIVERSALLY CONDEMNED by the political leaders of the attendees, along with the HIGH JACKING OF THEIR RALLY.

The THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of ATTENDEES demonstrated this rejection by their withdrawal and the absence of a reoccurrence. Compare this with the REPEATED TOLERANCE FOR RIOTING, VIOLENCE and INTIMIDATING DESTRUCTION that the thousands of, what the press described as "Mostly Peaceful," BLM/ANTIFA protestors have REPEATEDLY DISPLAYED. Consider the emotional trauma, the imposed poverty, the loss of safety, freedom and commerce experienced by those who were attacked by these unruly mobs. Consider how some POLITICAL LEADERS encouraged continued escalation and reoccurrence. How the destruction and violence WAS NOT CONDEMNED. Crimes repeatedly acceptable to the, "PROGRESSIVE CROWDS."

Crowds that demonstrated , passive acceptance, evidenced by their continued participation in predictable repeated REOCCURRENCES. These REPEAT attendees displayed TOLERANT ACCEPTANCE when they CAME BACK OVER AND OVER AND OVER...!

Were you in one of those crowds? Did you discover what was happening and leave? Or did you stay?

After you LEARNED what kind of things the crowd was TOLERATING, DID YOU REFUSE TO HAVE ANY PART OF IT?

DID YOU SEEK ANOTHER OPTION? OR DID YOU RETURN and inadvertently show support and approval of the trauma and destruction by your affirming presence. IF SO, How can YOUR ACTIONS NOT BE WORSE than a person who followed a January 6th INSURRECTIONIST into the building? And how can our Democrat Leaders, (specifically, V.P. Kamala Harris) Encourage these predictable acts of intimidating violence and destruction with LEGAL IMPUNITY to promote her political viewpoint and ideology...
Hear Kamala on the BLM/ANTIFA protests...

Even while pushing our legal system to harshly punish much smaller offences that occurred among those who HOLD POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES that SHE OPPOSES!
I believe that Garland IS DELUDED! Are you willing to join him?

We must remember that Hitler and his wealthy supporters like the Rockefeller's honestly believed that they were working to save the world from genetic degradation. From what many saw as a form of, human weed, pollution preached by Margret Sanger and many others of that time period.

They truly believed that their "Progressive Cause, "to change the future of humanity," was far more important than any temporary abuse of power. This attitude was so prevalent that it successfully deluded much of the world including much of academia. And today we still refuse to acknowledge the true lifecycle of a human being for social convenience.

Again, take a moment and compare. Compare Merrick Garland statements to the Kelly report at the link and then consider carefully. What do you really think?

Hear Author Julie Kelly with commentator Dinesh D'Souza
in a similar interview in link below.
(GO TO minute 9:07 - minute 36:16 for topic)

Friday, April 30, 2021

Progressive Sabotage


The Civil Rights Movement! We Lived it and Change the World through Our Integrity! 


Tim Scott blasts 'stunning' attacks by left after primetime address


Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Migrating Pain

Since retiring; Instead of harnessing the wind blowing across our lakes and oceans...

I have been very busy preparing rental houses for sale with the passing of my mother in-law that has brought on intense and migrating R hip, leg, and knee pain.

When I searched online, the closest thing that I could find that matched my symptoms was a R-hip Larbral Tear, much like a Rotator Cuff Tear in the shoulder. It described the migration of pain, as my body's attempt to protect tissues from further injury by using different muscle groups in misaligned compensations. I began using NSAIDs almost continuously and stretching with little benefit or improvement.

When I went to my doctor, he looked at my gait, and my hands and said he wanted an Ex-Ray which revealed in Doctorese...

"Severe osteoarthritic changes of the right hip with decrease in the joint space, subchondral sclerosis and cyst formation with prominent marginal osteophytes..."

Well! I was very surprised that I had accomplished so much since retiring! No wonder people were complaining and laughing at me when I walked funny and slow.

Strangely I had minimized my loss of sleep and my reduced productivity and mobility and just kept plodding. I had racked the symptoms up to the manual labor and was expecting a natural recovery ending in a stronger me. Dismissing difficulty was natural to me because of my experience in working through the "Recovery Process," for the emotional dysregulation, of my, " Explosive Anger." There I had worked with other people experiencing a variety of types of dysregulation including drug, alcohol and sexual addictions like the young man who recently shot the massage workers.

As a young person I had experienced episodes of constant pain but as I aged I also matured in my ability to move past them.

As a nurse I know my pain is often an 8, but I have been able to function as if it were a 4 or less, (when focused). I am grateful for the degree of freedom that my peers and I have discovered through the Celebrate Recovery process, but I will also be starting into physical therapy program which will probably be much like the program on the radio talk. I assume this because of my painful stretching routine. Eventually this all may lead to hip replacement.(oh bother). Regardless I know that I will be ok. 

Currently, my biggest problem is actually dealing with the irritation that my hesitation and slowness create in those around. It is surprising how fast even the store clerks walk.

So why am I writing all of this?
I recently heard radio talk and thought it was good. It is about a BDT approach, (not stated as DBT, but it is definitely dialectical) for Accomplishing Accommodation by lessening the Pain Amplification Process and raising the resilience and toleration threshold.

A very Interesting talk that describes dealing with pain both positively and negatively.

And also... Seemingly off topic... But it seems to me that these principles apply to cultural pain as well?

In fact, I believe that Dr. MLK Jr. would certainly agree! I believe he demonstrated this in his resolve not to overreact against the extremes of social injustice of his time. Extremes that took his life. 

I believe that this strength of character fostered his commit to nonintimidating, nondestructive, non-violent forms of protest. 

But what do you think?

How would you describe the strength of character that MLK talked about and demonstrated in his choices of action?

And if you didn't already listen,

for an interesting NPR audio talk/read.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Joemala, Planned Parenthood and Cartels

Ignoring the Law to Reestablish and 

Strengthen the Criminal Hierarchy





Consider Kamala's role in 
David Daleiden's story,

Planned Parenthood and Kamala Harris Attack the First Amendment

Now consider the financial gain

through political donations and (direct favors)
if she protects these law breakers
in the same way that she protected the lawbreakers of the 
Planned Parenthood Organization.

Breaking laws? In what way?

Fetal Trafficking Under Oath - Planned Planned Parenthood's Admissions About Partial-Birth Abortion

And now...

Joemala's service to the CARTELS
 has already been FAR MORE PROFITABLE than any other time in history as they ignore  Laws to support deadly Criminal Hierarchies that systemically harvest the spoils of human desperation!

This is no surprise to Joe, 

consider back under Obama. 


Is our Government now weakening neighboring Governments by abandoning agreements of joint collaboration? Do our actions fuel the public desperation that finances the Criminal activity and Criminal Organizations that threaten their National stability? 

Consider Recent History

In 2018, the Cartels dominated as Murder and intimidation of candidates was the norm.  

Mexican candidate shot dead while posing for selfie

Mexico: 130 politicians killed ahead of elections

What actions do you support? and why?

 See more on topic at link below

(Link preview)

IT IS LIKE YELLING FIRE IN A CROWDED THEATER...and Mexico's President, Andrés Manuel López Obrador is asking Biden to change his policy.

Mexico's President, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, complains that BIDENS POLICY is destabilizing many of our governments and communities by INCENTIVIZING the EXPANSION of the CARTELS?

(Click link for full article)

Thursday, March 11, 2021


How do you navigate these complexities? 

Do you often find yourself or those around you participating in new forms of discrimination?

A quote from the article cited below that describes prejudice training in our future leaders...

"Woe betide the working-class kid who arrives in college and uses Latino instead of “Latinx,” or who stumbles conjugating verbs because a classmate prefers to use the pronouns they/them. Fluency in woke is an effective class marker and key for these princelings to retain status in university and beyond. The parents know this, and so woke is now the lingua franca of the nation’s best prep schools. As one mother in Los Angeles puts it: “This is what all the colleges are doing, so we have to do it. The thinking is: if Harvard does it, it must be good.” and...

"In this worldview, complexity itself is a kind of racism, nuance is a phobia, and skepticism merely a type of false consciousness."

(See full article at link below)

What do you think?

How do you see these cultural changes?

And what is your role?

And why do you feel committed to it??

As an older American, I can attest that we have headed down this road of disregard for historical  Western Values before. In the late 1980's and 1990's the conscience altering Doctrines of Humanism were gaining significant ground in American and Western Culture. Presented as a seeming compromise between ethical/religious and scientific points of view, the beliefs as describe in Humanist Manifestos I, II, and III, posed a challenge and conflict related to these points of view were the pivotal critical issue of that time. With abortion at the top of the list.

During this period, my wife felt forced to leave her Labor and Delivery Nursing Practice as she could not, according to her conscience, participate in the abortion process. This was long before the partial birth and infanticide debate. She and many others left their practices due to the atrocities they were witnessing. Atrocities that were commonplace prior to the signing of...  

H.R. 2175, The Born-Alive Infants Protection Act of August 5th 2002 

(See link and screen capture below)

If you consider our historical heritage and value  learning from past mistakes. It is important to consider how with the passage of the, "Equality Act," nurses will AGAIN BE FORCED to either violate their consciences, or leave their practices and positions of influence. This governmentally forced culture change is very similar to what happened to the German Nurses in 1939. Consider carefully the video below. It a is very well done documentary on that transition.
(Click arrow in picture to view video.)

CARING CORRUPTED - The Killing Nurses of The Third Reich

This cultural shift occurred as progressive agents of change in the German culture established roots in the population through indoctrination messages via their educational system. Adults experienced social shunning, discrimination and censorship by established media elites through the, "Ministry of Information." Personally I find these similarities with our current culture very sobering. 

At that time the select groups that demanded special privilege's and imposed their will through sustained widespread violent protest and reactive legislative power were those celebrating, Arian racial heritage and German Cultural Pride. They expressed outrage over perceived injustices of the WWI treaty and demanded reeducation and reparations much like the BLM and LGBTQ movements of today. And in a similar manner, tolerance for the traditional views were forcefully condemned and extinguished.  

For a more in depth comparison of the tactical similarities in methods for bringing social change consider the following preview, and the blog page...

Controlling the Narrative.
An updated reposting from my November 2016 post

The moral outrage of prejudice is like staring so intently at our assumptions that we cannot examine our beliefs.
We close our eyes, our minds and our hearts to accepting truthful perspective.

Lessons from one of History's most significant Riots of "Moral Outrage."

Original date of the Kristallnacht, "Night of Broken Glass (against perceived Jewish abuse after the assassination of Ernst vom Rath)
Date: November 9-10, 1938  
Location: across all of Germany, Austria, and occupied Europe.

(click link above or below to see full article)

If you are a person who holds Traditional Christian, or even Traditional Western values, consider the speaker below as he describes the authoritative changes called for in the, "Equality Act," that was recently passed.

(Click LINK BELOW not picture for video)

And again... I ask,

What are our thoughts?

How do you view these changes?

What is your role?

And why do you feel committed to it??