Thursday, March 11, 2021


How do you navigate these complexities? 

Do you often find yourself or those around you participating in new forms of discrimination?

A quote from the article cited below that describes prejudice training in our future leaders...

"Woe betide the working-class kid who arrives in college and uses Latino instead of “Latinx,” or who stumbles conjugating verbs because a classmate prefers to use the pronouns they/them. Fluency in woke is an effective class marker and key for these princelings to retain status in university and beyond. The parents know this, and so woke is now the lingua franca of the nation’s best prep schools. As one mother in Los Angeles puts it: “This is what all the colleges are doing, so we have to do it. The thinking is: if Harvard does it, it must be good.” and...

"In this worldview, complexity itself is a kind of racism, nuance is a phobia, and skepticism merely a type of false consciousness."

(See full article at link below)

What do you think?

How do you see these cultural changes?

And what is your role?

And why do you feel committed to it??

As an older American, I can attest that we have headed down this road of disregard for historical  Western Values before. In the late 1980's and 1990's the conscience altering Doctrines of Humanism were gaining significant ground in American and Western Culture. Presented as a seeming compromise between ethical/religious and scientific points of view, the beliefs as describe in Humanist Manifestos I, II, and III, posed a challenge and conflict related to these points of view were the pivotal critical issue of that time. With abortion at the top of the list.

During this period, my wife felt forced to leave her Labor and Delivery Nursing Practice as she could not, according to her conscience, participate in the abortion process. This was long before the partial birth and infanticide debate. She and many others left their practices due to the atrocities they were witnessing. Atrocities that were commonplace prior to the signing of...  

H.R. 2175, The Born-Alive Infants Protection Act of August 5th 2002 

(See link and screen capture below)

If you consider our historical heritage and value  learning from past mistakes. It is important to consider how with the passage of the, "Equality Act," nurses will AGAIN BE FORCED to either violate their consciences, or leave their practices and positions of influence. This governmentally forced culture change is very similar to what happened to the German Nurses in 1939. Consider carefully the video below. It a is very well done documentary on that transition.
(Click arrow in picture to view video.)

CARING CORRUPTED - The Killing Nurses of The Third Reich

This cultural shift occurred as progressive agents of change in the German culture established roots in the population through indoctrination messages via their educational system. Adults experienced social shunning, discrimination and censorship by established media elites through the, "Ministry of Information." Personally I find these similarities with our current culture very sobering. 

At that time the select groups that demanded special privilege's and imposed their will through sustained widespread violent protest and reactive legislative power were those celebrating, Arian racial heritage and German Cultural Pride. They expressed outrage over perceived injustices of the WWI treaty and demanded reeducation and reparations much like the BLM and LGBTQ movements of today. And in a similar manner, tolerance for the traditional views were forcefully condemned and extinguished.  

For a more in depth comparison of the tactical similarities in methods for bringing social change consider the following preview, and the blog page...

Controlling the Narrative.
An updated reposting from my November 2016 post

The moral outrage of prejudice is like staring so intently at our assumptions that we cannot examine our beliefs.
We close our eyes, our minds and our hearts to accepting truthful perspective.

Lessons from one of History's most significant Riots of "Moral Outrage."

Original date of the Kristallnacht, "Night of Broken Glass (against perceived Jewish abuse after the assassination of Ernst vom Rath)
Date: November 9-10, 1938  
Location: across all of Germany, Austria, and occupied Europe.

(click link above or below to see full article)

If you are a person who holds Traditional Christian, or even Traditional Western values, consider the speaker below as he describes the authoritative changes called for in the, "Equality Act," that was recently passed.

(Click LINK BELOW not picture for video)

And again... I ask,

What are our thoughts?

How do you view these changes?

What is your role?

And why do you feel committed to it??