Friday, May 13, 2022

The Wonder that You Are, As the two become three.


 The wonder you are! 

Consider the miracle you are!
Instead of 1 cell + 1 cell = 2 cells...

Here 1 cell from 1 + 1 cell from another =
The very first cell,

Of a whole new person.

Responder 1:
I do believe I'm a miracle! Thanks for that! However, the timing of this implies it is actually a pro-life stance hidden behind a nice self-affirming statement. So I am gonna respond in kind.

In math, there is a paradox called the birthday paradox. It really is not a paradox at all. People just get it wrong because they don't "zoom out enough" to see the whole picture. I'm am gonna do that with this video... it only considers myself, a success story, rightfully affirming what a complex, beautiful, unique person I am. But the miracle goes deeper...

Of the millions of unique individuals God creates at conception in the womb, 33-50% fail to implant, according to guttmaker. They are washed out of the mother and into oblivion. Of those that do implant, up to 20% are spontaneously aborted/stillborn at some later point according to the American Family Physician publication. Not only am I lucky to be a living, working, complex human; I am also lucky to be part of the (very roughly) 40% of fertilized cells (with 6 billion-part DNA codes describing a unique person) that God, I'm his wisdom, allows to survive until born. But let's not forget the "cruel" pro-choice crowd who "do not value human life"! They kill roughly 2% of these remaining precious lives!

To summarize, of 1,000 unique and beautiful fertilized eggs, God (in his wisdom) disposes of up to 600 of them! Of the remaining 400, abortionists dispose of 8... I'm still special! In fact, now I am more special. To have developed into a functional human when so many fertilized eggs never get a chance... I am super special!

This reasoning is called "reduction ad absurdum" because I accept a proposition and it leads to a conclusion that just is not tenable. While the math is rudimentary, the message is clear i hope. If we celebrate EVERY fertilized egg as unique, viable, human life then we have to also accept God as "the great abortion doctor in the sky". Take the number of abortions you are currently claiming the US needs to atone for... God killed 50 times that many!

Make no mistake, every human born is incredibly special! More special than they often consider in light of the above! However, to believe that God is the ruthless genocidal being described above is not acceptable to me. So I choose to believe God's actions are not morally wrong... I do not believe that God is destroying 60% of humanity... so I cannot accuse the pro-choice movement of destroying 2%.

That is my own honest argument. I hope it makes sense and doesn't bug you to much. 

My Return Response:

I appreciate your writing back although entering into a discussion was not necessarily my intent. I know you are already very busy, but I also appreciate your time and see it as a form of caring. Thank-you.

The birthday paradox that you shared presents a point of view that is very difficult for most to accept. The potential human death rate prior to birth is a cause of great discomfort for most, especially those seeking to have a child. And yes, on the statistical level, the miracle, of you is actually much bigger than even the video presented. So much so that it is difficult not to seem flippant and dismiss ideas of human life having special sanctity when we consider how fragile it is.

On the faith level, each individual is created in the, "Image of God." Jeremiah 1:5 states, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart... This could accurately refer to both conception and foreknowledge.

On the fact level, how we are created has nothing to do with our culture or politics. It is not pro or anti woman or pro or anti abortion. (It just is ) as the opening equation states.

This is very incredible all by itself.

Considering that I am not God, I do not have the capacity to make a judgment about Him without intentionally joining Eve in the act of seeking to, "become like God," in my presumptions of, "good and evil." It is not my place to make moral judgments about God. Or His part in causing the natural survival or death of person's before birth. However, unnatural termination of the life inside of the womb is discussed several times in the Bible. But that was not the purpose of this post. Wonder and awareness is.

My intent in posting was to encourage a look beyond the natural, which is so easy to take for granted. My goal was to stop and consider the incredible; which you have already acknowledged.

Responder 1:

Sorry for presumption. Things are pretty crazy in the world right now and the last thing you posted on my Facebook page was much more overtly about Roe v. Wade. I am very troubled about that subject. It has taken the country down a path that will not end well for anyone in my opinion.

It certainly is a time to pray for love and unity, build connections of mutual trust, and respect one another. I can do that in my life but worry that has become impossible in much of the broader world, where people seem to be regularly acting in bad faith... then I get to comfort confused kids while walking a tightrope of avoiding things I'm not supposed to talk about... because unlike the last president, the scotus, and much of congress, I am not willing to undermine the institution I work in for personal reasons.

It is very draining! Pray for me!

My Return Response:
Praying that you will be strengthened and encouraged in these difficult times with the strength and wisdom that comes from above and that the god of this world would have no influence over you.

Responder 2:

Don't forget all the pregnant women this particular deity took out in the flood. He doesn't seem particularly pro-life does he?

My Response:

Your comment matched the sentiment that I reviewed in June of 2020 at the death of RGB. Do you notice an increase of social influence by the group mentioned in this article? 

The Death Of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Pushed Me To Join a Politically Active Temple.

(see article at)

Responder 1:

I consider most "Church of Satan" people to be politically active people who just want to make use of America's religious laws the way that Christians do every day. There is a definite double standard in practice and these individuals are simply pointing it out with the means at their disposal... we live in a weird country.

NPR-  Florida man asks schools to ban Bible following the state's efforts to remove books

April 26, 20225:41 AM ET

(see article at)

Responder 2:

I hadn't even heard that so maybe it's just a logical conclusion over social influence.

My Response:
I recently read this article about the self deceit of discrimination and racism. It compared characteristics of DNA the, "Same Kinds of creatures," and talked about how, "the human DNA code is completely recognizable and unique from all other life-forms. There is variation within our kind – taller, shorter, different shades of skin, more or less hair – but the basic code, the basic DNA structure is the same....And while there are differences, human beings have an essence. We all share “human-ness.”.... (if we choose to see it).... We share what it means to be human and this is not something that can be measured like height, it is something a creature either has or does not have. “Human-ness” is found in every variation of humans. 

Why racism is irrational?

 See full article at