Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Rejecting Mob Think:

Rejecting the mob mentality:
Both in the streets 
And in the media. 

When viewing the ongoing primetime January 6th Trial, it is plain that this MADE-4-TV-DOCUDRAMA is a substandard effort at best.

The timing of the events in the audio don't even match the events in the videos! Great for drama, but frequently utterly dishonest!

How can our government officials ignore their oaths of office to promote such blatant propaganda? 

Considering the repeated and, "unprosecuted normalization," of destruction and lawless rioting in the name of BLM where at least 26 died; where Biden passively condoned and Harris aggressively encouraged it's ongoing repetition. The same riots that resulted in declines in police presence and nixed criminal prosecutions to bring a skyrocketing of property crimes, assaults and deaths in our cities. And now Trump is the one being prosecuted! This is...

Granted, a (single) January 6th event did occur! And it was violent! And destructive! (Even though Trump verbally discouraged acts of violence and destruction.) But to air this trial, while failing to even address and prosecute the BLM parallel is...


Perhaps Trump could be tried for, "Seeming to inspire," or, "Not  discouraging enough," or even for, "Talking too brashly." on that day.  

But it is more likely he is being tried for his contempt for what he called, "the swamp." Yet, regardless of his personal statements and beliefs, at the appointed time, he left his office and yielded his power to his opponent according to election guidelines. That doesn't appear to be criminal.

But this current abuse of power, (highlighted by this trial), makes all of his seeming exaggerations, overstatements and grandiose claims much, much easier to accept! It seems that they are now being fully validated!

Consider and compare his statements from the 2016 election:

ABC News    Trump: Election is 'Rigged'
10,949 views Oct 17, 2016  (length 3 min) 

Note: Is he saying, "The election (itself) is rigged," -or- Is he expressing his apprehension that - "(It) is rigged," (the election outcome) because of the inaccurate, falsely framed, and blatantly biased news coverage done during the campaign?

When we consider his apprehensive feelings about the 2016 election. The election that he clearly won, it becomes clear that much of his jabber is a result of his apprehension. Is this what he should be tried for? His opponent also expressed apprehension in claiming that the election was compromised by Russian collusion. Should she be tried as well?

This all makes me wonder... How stupid do they think we are, and where can we go to find the rest of the story today? Personally I follow many international sources and compare them with our US narratives.

But how can we continue to re-elect such self-righteous abusers of power!

Answer... Through the shallowness and laziness of group think.
For democracy to work active voters need to understand both sides of the issues they vote on. Blind group voting is little more that ballot stuffing.

Although incredible damage is often done on the short term through deceptions like this trial. They rarely stand the test of time.

It wasn't even that long ago that impeachment was the goal... Which only gave Trump more credibility by validating his claims. (consider the article below titled)

"The impeachment articles are a vindication for Trump"

click link below for article

We have to reject mob action. Whether it be in the streets, or a feeding frenzy on the media. We need to return to a (balance of powers) for our system to work again.

If we don't we are likely to destroy our system completely.

Consider the suffering we are inflicting on our most vulnerable with our false compassion and virtue signaling. 


423,360 views Sep 17, 2020 (length 50 min)                       Mountain Time Media  3.01K subscribers

We have exchanged the helping power of opportunity with the crippling chains of increased dependency.  Rather than creating opportunity our leaders have normalized a growing culture of dependent criminality and in doing so, they become enriched themselves at the expense of the honest responsible citizens that are being victimized. Also consider...

Seattle is Dying | A KOMO News Documentary
12,434,588 views    Mar 19, 2019   (length 60 min)

If a trial is to be done, the leaders of this movement should be the first defendants and the sentences should be permanent.   

And like Trump... This trial needs to be done at the voting box. 

It's time to wake up and question your assumptions. To open your eyes and see the failures in font of you, To ask the hard questions about personal responsibility and accountability. So be sure you understand both sides of what you are voting for and then vote wisely.