Thursday, February 29, 2024

America's Culture of Revolution

Is America Being Erased?  Replaced? 

Have our youth and many of our key institutions been engaged in a, "Culture of Revolution?" And for how long? Certainly, a culture of unrest has been present as far back as the 60's. Consider the lyrics of this 60's Beatle's song.

"...I look at the world and I notice it turning, While my guitar gently weeps, With every mistake we must surely be learning? Still my guitar gently weeps. Yeah I don't know how you were diverted, You were perverted too, I don't know how you were inverted , No-one alerted you..."

In searching I found; While My Guitar Gently Weeps, was written by George Harrison, "as an exercise in randomness." It was inspired by the Chinese I Ching
lamenting our failure to achieve unity in our human potential for universal love.

Relating this to a similar randomness a more recent Chinese leader actually championed chaos in his effort to create unity. At one point  in his revolution he delightfully stated, “Everything under heaven is in utter chaos; the situation is excellent!” 

He preached that, “Marxism consists of thousands of truths, but they all boil down to one sentence: It is right to rebel.” 

To rebel against Old Ideals, Old Culture,
Old Customs, and Old Habits!

Through imposing mob chaos Mao systematically destroyed competing institutions along with their history, heritage and culture. Through  intimidation and lawless mob rule he achieved  unquestioning group allegiance and superficially erased ideals of western independent thought and self directed liberty.

Could we also be erasing our, Olds," in America today? In a similar way? At a slower pace? And if so, will this lead to similar outcomes at a similar cost?

Could revolution be behind the chaotic confusion we so frequently see around us? Were the global B.L.M. uprisings that caused the destruction of America's once beautiful city centers only the beginning?

At least 25 Americans were killed during protests and political unrest in 2020

(click link below to read article.)

Today struggles for political power have also caused a revolution in our sciences. Consider how Governmental controls in science affected both the creation of the Covid virus and the implementation of the Global Covid Mandates. Instead of hotlines and an international pooling of data, we saw professional disinterest and even overt resistance to ongoing research and discovery by medical practitioners. Both on the national and international level. This is a stark departure from historical disease control responses. 

Today foundational scientific facts are commonly replaced with the politicized theories propagated in our social institutions. Instead of science, we now teach philosophical views about human existence and sexuality that are scientifically inaccurate. Through these philosophies, humanness is considered, nonexistent if one is not fully self-aware and subjective emotional comfort has become the defining measure of accepted gender and personal identity? How did these claims replace what we know to be true? How did science become a primary battleground for waging a social revolution?

The structure of America's Government is also under attack as
 Federal Control is being superimposed over State's Rights. 

Most of us are aware of the influx of illegal immigration. But most are not aware of recent governmental policies to forcibly funnel vulnerable illegals into strategic states with the promise to provide voting privilege's. 

So far the courts have ruled that non-citizen voting is still  unconstitutional. At least in New York, for now.

read article at:

And today in many states. New State hierarchies are removing Parental Rights and children are being taken from their parents without trial when disagreement over gender expression occurs. Is this simply, "timely  progress," or is it also, "Revolutionary?"

Was Vice President Kamala Harris, "A  Revolutionary Voice," when she repeatedly said that the, 2020 Anti-Trump Post Election Riots and the Black Lives Matter Protests, "Must Continue?" Even after scores of innocent lives were lost and many, many millions of dollars of damage destroyed the centers of our major cities.  

They're Not Going To Stop:The Nationwide Protests Are A Movement. ( see minutes 4:29-6:22)

Were these the beginning of an American, "Cultural Revolution!"

(After the tragedy of China's, "Great Leap Forward," described in the video below, where 55,000,000 Chinese citizens  starved. Mao staged a, "Cultural Revolution," to reestablish his rule, pitting the youth of China against the older generations of that time.)

Consider the lessons presented in the video below to see how Mao's photo was used to trigger China's Cultural Revolution, The Great Leap Forward."

History shows that activist led civil conflict is rarely about universal fairness, or achieving balanced positive change to benefit all. That is the job of our Legislature and Legal System. 

But todays activist conflicts are promoted through mob rule and lawless intimidation even in America. Consider the mob that dominated Seattle's CHOP district. There angry activist crowds overwhelmed the police, burned the police station and murdered six civilians. This is a drastic departure from the nonviolent and often passivist protests of our recent past.

I grew up in the 60-70's era that legislated, "Affirmative Action." 

At that time our youth were taught to learn from history and find ways to make, "humanitarian improvements." It was an era of increasing inclusion. Of equipping and inviting the under privileged  to achieve the prosperity most shared through opportunity. 

Affirmative Action was created to increase opportunity for minorities and women while still maintaining at least some sense of Liberty for all. 

But very recently Affirmative Action  was challenged and portions of it were found, "Unconstitutional," in 2023 as our Supreme Court ruled that racial and gender discrimination could not be used for guaranteed acceptance into colleges. But in the 70's they could.

And in the 70's, even though white males like me were last in line for many job opportunities. I and my high school class were so positive about diversity and equal opportunity that we elected our only male black student as Class President. But today I am being told that we were oppressors and now owe reparations to our victims. Really? 

In the Soviet Revolution, the division they created was more subtle. It was also about wealth and privilege. But those being punished were not unlike their neighbors. The dividing line could be as little as having an upstairs in your house, noticeable fashion or one too many cattle in your stall. If called out, you could be labeled a Kulak and punished. Their goal... To create chaotic division and create an enemy to punish.

Today, in America progressive leaders champion displays of piety, taking pride in their extreme acceptance of all forms of promiscuous behavior.  This theme of promoting radical acceptance has become a central theme in our government. This is celebrated in the videos below. 

You may remember former President Clinton's expression of tolerance in addressing various forms of promiscuity during his Presidency? He suggested, "Don't ask, Don't tell." Then, "privacy," was the social standard across most of our culture. But in today's, "Revolution," privacy has been replaced with loud and proud expositionism even among our very young. This is, truly, "Revolutionary!" There is a huge difference between adults talking privately and openly promoting sexualized behavior identities in front of our preschoolers at our local libraries. 

Some might now accuse me of being overly protective and hyper-religious. But listen to what our political leaders have to say..
Nancy's Prayer

Speaker Pelosi Appears on Episode 5 of RuPaul’s
Drag Race All Stars Season 7 # Nancy Pelosi shorts 
(and the original, from the show at link below)

And what President Biden describes as...
"The Battle for the Soul of our Nation." 

In reality our passivity toward often misguided and potentially harmful behavior increases victimhood. As caution is sacrificed and the aberrant behavior (including the legalization of harmful drugs) is celebrated and even promoted among vulnerable peers, victimizers are empowered. Our lack of caution encourages reckless experimentation and celebrates potentially harmful deviations. Instead of protecting, we now pride in ourselves in celebrating experimentation. We celebrate sexualized chaos, redefining the purposes of sexuality and the meanings of sexual identity. This experimentation is much like the experimentation that happened in the 60's with mind altering drugs. 

Sadly,  Drug Overdose is todays leading cause of Death in Americans under the age of 45. 

It was my generation that normalized the expansion of these intoxicants into our youth culture through our experimentation. Now we are legalizing most gateway drugs and decriminalizing possession of small but often lethal amounts of deadly drugs. Consider the pain that this has brought to America's families. Consider the wealth and power it has transferred from working communities to the Criminal Cartels that dominate the populations of vast regions south of our border. 

And consider the pain that our rejection of traditional family mores in sexual behavior has brought through broken homes as traditional family values have declined. Pain even in President Biden's family. Especially to his daughter in law Kathleen and the grandchildren she gave him. 

Is showing approval of Hunter's family abandonment to engage in an adultetrous relationship with his brother's grieving widow, really an appropriate way to display the virtue of tolerance? 

News reports Joe and Jill's full approval of Hunter's romantic involvement with Beau's widow while still being married to  Kathleen.

Beyond family, our corporate and business policies have also been "Revolutionized!" Today we also enforce and punish those who fail to comply with the progressive ideals of, "social equity." and, "politically correctness." 

Less intense than the, "Red Guard," presented in the video above, but in close harmony. Sadly, the children of China in that generation either had no awareness of their very recent past, or were unable to resist the pressure they faced in their own, "Culture of Revolution."

If this, (Swimming Event Video), was presented, here today, I think many of our University trained "Disciples of Progressive Culture," might describe it as...

"A small triumph for justice and equity against all racial bigotry and oppressive historical ideology. We celebrate your vision! A progressive vision of freedom, moral equity and redemptive social justice! We gratefully forsake the distractions of family, past culture and ethnic history! We utterly reject all who look backward and hinder your path forward!

Why I Left Utopia | 5 Minute Video

The 1960's were also a time of turmoil.  The, "White Album," released in 1968 by the Beatles included the song, "Revolution." Presented below. 

"Revolution," was written during Mao's Cultural Revolution.

Have you subscribed to the, "Revolution?" Have you examined it's  history and message? Although not necessarily inspired by these events, the Beatles song at the beginning was written during their  revolution.

After searching and reviewing many videos on the topic. (The  story links) below clearly shows how unexamined devotion and even a fear of being excluded can cause even the most idealistic among us to assist in the destruction of all that we cherish for what is presented as the very best of reasons. May we avoid the fate of failing to learn from these tragedies. May we truly learn from the past and avoid the fate of following in their footsteps.

Video title: 1966: The Story Of The Westerners Caught In Mao's Revolution | Inside Mao's China | Timeline 

Then and today... 

Video: China's Cultural Revolution, 50 years on
FRANCE 24 English

In response to these events in China, the video below was created. It explains the chief differences a pure Democracy and a Republic with checks and balances. A worthwhile review. I wonder if this information is still taught in our schools. I found it very informative.

A Republic, Not A Democracy by Dan Smoot Apr 18 1966  

Friday, February 9, 2024

Success Stories from the Past

 Some Success Stories from the Past

Several years ago when I was volunteering as Camp Nurse for our church youth group, I had a very challenging experience. It was during the NOROVIRUS outbreak, an outbreak that was so contagious that it completely shut down the mental health unit at my hospital, all of the staff and all of the patients became violently ill. The unit was shut down for weeks of deep cleaning.

A few weeks later I left to work as Camp nurse for our church's, "Kidz Kamp." A week long church/bible camp offered to grade school aged children that incorporated high school and Jr high school aged counselors and helpers.

On our departure from the church we had 120 people on two buses going to the camp facility at the beach.

When we arrived, before leaving the buses, I asked the riders if any of them had been around anyone who was sick in the last week.

Three girls responded and one said she was feeling, "kinda icky", but also said, "I get car sick a lot." Fortunately these three all sat together on the bus and all were assigned to the same cabin at the camp. I talked with their counselors and asked them to keep an eye on the girls and let me know if any thing got worse.

Within an hour one of the counselors was at my door with a girl who had just thrown-up on her mattress. Immediately, I went to the cabin and had all of the Kidz go to wash their hands before closing and locking the door. I asked them to sit together and talk as I went to the local supermarket to get a spray bottle, some Chlorox, 3 pair of kitchen rubber gloves and 3 pair of cheap, small garden gloves.

I mixed a spray bottle of 10% bleach water and had everyone in that cabin hold their hands out to have them sprayed as we sang a multiverse washing song. Then I had them go back into the restroom and wash the bleach water off their hands.

I taught the counselors how to clean up the mess wearing the kitchen gloves with bleach water. I taught them how to clean the whole area, "at least twice as big as the mess." and then to do the spray and rewash their hands when done.

I had the sick girl wear the garden gloves with the instruction to always take them off to touch her mouth or face in any way and when she ate or went to the bathroom. After taking them off she was to wash with the spray and then soapy water before putting them back on. I also told her counselors to do the spray, wash, song ritual every time after they touched one of the three girls.

Even though they followed the rules, through the week each of these girls got sick, and eventually their parents came to take them home. Their two counselors and one of the male counselors that helped them also got sick and went home. One counselor became so ill that, I had to take her to the emergency room after she fainted after intensely vomiting. Her mother, our camp photographer took her home. The last, the male counselor became sickened on the last day an rode home with me in my car clutching and retching into a plastic bag as we drove. So of the 120 on the bus, 6 became ill, and only 3 were infected at camp.

I and the others were most fortunate, as at an earlier camp everyone that attended became violently ill!

The key to success?
clear and simple...

I believe that the garden gloves made it much easier for the sick children to remember to follow the rules of systematic hygiene.

The gloves also made it much easier for those who were not sick to know who they should be more careful with for appropriate social distancing.

Since that time we have all gone through a Global Covid Pandemic.

During the pandemic political narratives of allegiance rather than applied innovation according to effective reasoning, resources and rational were used to control and punish with very poor outcomes.

Could we have done something similar during Covid? Could we deliver food and check in on the sick through phone contact and social media? Would this have encouraged the sick to stay home for infectious period of the illness?

Perhaps using a red scarf rather than garden gloves to identify the ill or vulnerable?

or even better...

Air Filtering Pressure helmets! to protect our most vulnerable neighbors from exposure.

I believe the discipline of stopping to evaluate levels of risk and safety through a social mitigation process could have been a great community building opportunity.

Even in our failure, it can be a teaching tool, forcing us to look at the true risks and unnecessary losses we impose on those around us. We are now in a good position to continue as we eventually modify our strategies to provide even more effective protection to our high risk groups.

We could have sought to increase ventilation in public areas and lessened the early increase of self exposure that comes with rebreathing virus particles while wearing masks. We could have suggested wearing them only while in very close quarters. And we could have provided our high risk populations with a social marker  like, (a red scarfs), or similar marker to signify to others that they are isolating and desire more personal space, (perhaps 20 feet outdoors). 

We could also provide pressure filtration helmets for their use to protect them when they are required to be in closer contact like public areas. Our electronic Medical Health Record could also be used to identify high risk individuals and trained health care workers could provide teach-back education of the specific best practices to avoid exposure to infection.

In time the rest of us would eventually return to business as usual, even as our most vulnerable may be forced to wait anxiously for a safe and effective vaccine to be created.

The costs of providing the (PAPR), Powered air purifying respirator helmet, above would be hundreds of times less costly than the forced shutdowns we experienced. A fraction of the cost of treating the Covid-19 illness in the ICU for just one day. One statistic showed the average hospital stay is 6-days at a cost of $73,000 according to CNBC.

These helmets could be returned after the pandemic and refurbished for future use by hospital staff or the public preparing us for the next pandemic which is sure to come.

A portion of a post from early 2020 comparing the AIDS response to the Covid response at the time of posting.
See Original Complete Post at:
And while we are pondering...

Consider the similarities of the populist leader of Brazil, and that of America. In Brazil, did legal activism through the courts win? Or were the outcomes just? 

And what about in America with Rudi?