Friday, May 31, 2024

Comparing Our Finest Hours


Winston Churchill, was courageously unpopular, and ridiculed for proclaiming the stark realities of his day.

Eventually he became Prime Minister of the English Empire, and on June 18th 1940, he spoke about dignity and purpose and their need to take their place… “IN THEIR FINEST HOUR.”

He described it as a FIGHT FOR THE SURVIVAL OF CHRISTIAN CIVILIZATION against a Nazi (Socialist System). The NAZI SYSTEM claimed to seek SOCIAL JUSTICE and  REPAIRATIONS through the return of the Sudetenlands to Germanic rule and had a plan to SAVE THE PLANET from what the leading educators and global elites of that time saw as critical genetic degradation.

The Nazi, "FINAL SOLUTION," was to EXTERMINATE all, "nonproductive individuals," that they labeled, “useless eaters,” and WHOLE ETHNIC POPULATIONS that they labeled as, "genetically inferior," starting with the Jews. (Much like the genocide Hamas is calling for today for religious reasons.)

Churchill’s resolve, … NEVER, NEVER, NEVER GIVE UP!

Unlike the residents of Gaza where evacuation to neighboring countries could be possible if their Arab neighbors were willing to cooperate; England’s only neighbor, France had already been conquered. In one 6 month period, over 43,000 English citizens were killed even with extensive use of bomb shelters and over 1,000,000 homes were destroyed. But England’s population endured and eventually prevailed.

Compare today's U.N. and Arab failure to avert civilian carnage in Gaza with the inspiring Christian response of  Denmark and Sweden during WWII. (Click picture below for first video in list and video link below it for full list)

Danish Heroes - Helping the Jews Flee Nazi Rule

Today most of us have forgotten the fierce struggle Europe fought for the, “Survival of Christian Civilization.” Today we casually bend or abandon our, "Christian Convictions," to embrace the progressive Humanist views presented by our educators and leaders. When consequences erupt, we  become troubled and even angered when our hypothetical expectations are interrupted by the consequential realities of  real life. But in spite of our blindness, some grow stronger some grow wiser. 

Today, in a parallel struggle of competing values and questions about human purpose and dignity, a similar struggle has erupted. This struggle has already taken the lives of hundreds of millions, exceedingly more than the extermination deaths of WWII. It has been occurring silently for decades and with today's legal changes it is now being used to define personal freedoms in America. But the question is, it this freedom truly private and personal? Or a mutual experience.

Below, Gianna Jessen speaks with a similar resolve and courage about her struggle for life and the decision that her mother made. 

She tells of her struggle for survival and her personal travail against the brutality and injustice of this time against those that sought to kill her, and those like her. She also speaks of the GRACE that gives her hope.

Gianna Jessen in Australia Part 1

Gianna Jessen in Australia Part 2

Churchill on Economics:

“We contend that for a nation to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle.”