Showing posts with label cultural awareness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cultural awareness. Show all posts

Friday, November 13, 2020

The Social/Political Gospel and Cults of Personality

America's Social/Political Gospels...

Are American Christians Embracing a Personality Cult with Donald Trump? 
Or are They Rejecting the Socialist Unification of Cultural, Religious and Political Power? 

photo source:
When I was a child, I watched Portland Wrestling every Saturday night on the television with my grandfather.

The broadcasts highlighted, "bigger than life," personalities who were transformed into Heroes and Anti-Heroes.

Years later, as an adult while working at my hospital, I was called to assist in a confrontation with one of these heroic personalities. He was easy to recognize by name and appearance and fortunately physical confrontation became unnecessary when he responded to problem solving. But I was saddened to see this childhood hero, reduced to a frightened elderly man.

What I had experienced as a child is called a, "cult of personality," which is similar to the, "cult of the leader."

My intention is to compare and quantify these two terms in regards to President Trump. The, "cult of the leader," refers to a political or military figure that authoritatively captures the venue of mass media, (keyword authoritatively). Both cult forms work through the creation of spectacle and insert disinformation or propaganda or even the disarming effects of the big lie to create an idealized, heroic, and even worshipful image or regime.

These, "Cults of the Leader," or the regimes they create exist in a climate of unquestioning flattery and praise, (keyword unquestioning), where acts of glorification through the arts and government-organized demonstrations and rallies of focused loyalty are mandatory and dissenters are punished. North Korea's Dictator Kim Jong-Hyun is this type of leader. 

Although the wrestling. "Cult of Personality," that I engaged in as a child, had it's distortions of reality. It was a harmless entertainment, tool used to create emotional engagement and excitement in the wrestling audience.

In the 2016 and 2020 Presidential elections, a similar technique occurred as Donald Trump personified himself, in a similar manner under the inspiration of the engaging and entertaining Jesse Ventura.

Jesse Ventura's entertaining," Persona," in Wrestling was also useful in Politicking. This strategy opened the door for him to successfully become a City Mayor and later, the Governor of the State of Minnesota.

Similar to Jesse... Trump's grandiose and engaging politicking style has also been successful and this success has also led to a, "Cult-Like," following. Although his presentation often seems extreme, he has not sought extremes in social or political change. He has not authoritatively taken charge of the government or media. On the contrary, his stance has been mostly Libertarian as he has demonstrated tolerance of opposing views and buffered changes on the social level. Consider for instance his being in support of conservative views on abortion and religious freedom and liberal views toward the Gay Community. (Have you heard his UN speech?) 

Instead of seizing power and increasing authoritarian Governmental control, Trump's focus has been on reducing the powers given to Governmental institutions. For these reasons, I believe that Trump has an unusual, "Cult of Personality following, but not a, Cult of the Leader," position. I also believe that the unified, intense opposition to his presence and actions by his opponents show a much larger, more pervasive and authoritarian, "Cult of the Leader," regime wrongly labeled as Liberal tolerance. 

In comparison, to Trump's, "Cult of Personality," the regimented effects found in the, "Cult of the Leader," (or regime of his opposition) are much more dangerous. 

Consider what occurred in Germany during the first half of the last century. The Nazi regime was not a harmless expression of freedom. It was founded on, and wrongly legitimized through a series of culture shaking,  misinterpreted scientific discoveries. With social emphasis focused on these, emerging "Evolutionary Interpretations," views of human existence changed as values clarification goals were promoted through the schools to support the racial advancement of select groups and subjugate and even exterminate those who were less valued by their culture. This was easily achieved through their educational system extending down to the youngest of students. 

Many aspects of this effort were applauded throughout German academia and among Progressive elites internationally. It became central in the culture, and Churches that embraced these values were labeled the, " Recognized Church," while dissenters were discounted and cancelled or even experienced death and persecution. In just eight years Nazi values progressed to dominate the entire nation and soon this Progressive Socialist Government ruled as central authority in all areas of German life. For the Progressives of that day, It was a miracle! As Germany finally had a (seemingly) cohesive society. 

But back to the original question. How is all of  the current emphasis on Trump and Trumpism being experienced by Christians? Are the 
thousands of predominantly Christian rural communities across America united in a desire to dominate and oppress those who disagree with them through the oppressive strength of an authoritative dominating leader? Are they seeking to centralizr power under the government? 

Or are they along with vast numbers of nonreligious Americans seeking to avoid being dominated by an imposing culture of radicle change?  Are they hoping to stop this advancement and return to the American values that they love and understand?

In watching the brief informative videos below, consider how the perceived needs and fears of Germany's people were shaped to motivate German Citizens to adapt to the Nazi Narrative. An exclusive and pervasive narrative that was so contrary to the values they had held just one generation before.

Unfortunately a more comprehensive video on the politics of religion in Germany was removed from youtub. It is still available  at

A  central figure presented in that video is Gerhard Kittel, chosen due to his disciplined scholarly influence and fluctuating compromises with the evolving positions held by Germany's, "Recognized Church", as compared to Bonhoeffer's, "Confessing Church." Kittel is also described in the brief video below and the groups are described briefly in the  second video below.

The Strange Story of Gerhard Kittel

Two Kingdoms in the Third Reich - Professor Alec Ryrie

For a fuller understanding, I do encourage vieing the original 56 minute video at

And now after considering these lessons from history. What do you think? Are American Christians embracing a, "Cult of the Leader," with Donald Trump as in the Pro Hitler German-Christian Movement? 

Is Trump's, politicking, "Persona," more of an entertainment feature that crudely engages America's audiences. Is the support of Americas conservatives and libertarians more like the1934 Confessing Church who opposed the takeover of their Government, Religion and Culture by a progressively Socialist regime? A takeover accomplished through censorship, discriminatory laws and social practices. One that seized their Sources of industry, Healthcare, Education and  regulatory institutions to create Governmental Centralized Control? Are these libertarians and conservative Christians joined with Trump in a progressive take over? 

Is theirs's an effort of resistance against a Progressive, "Cult of the Leader," (regime) that has already captured much of what I listed above and is tightening their grip with each advancement? 

Also consider this short eyewitness account..

Were they welcoming Hitler as a leader? Or embracing the promises of what was to come with the progressive social changes demanded by his regime?

For a less serious comparison, consider leadership styles in the Presidency at my other blog at: 

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Changing Culture and PC Religion

The Death Of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Pushed Me To Join a Politically Active Temple.

Consider this writer and her point of view, her sense of dedication, and sense of allegiance to the causes of her peers. This rendering has been edited slightly. The original can be seen by clicking the link located at the end of this post. One should NOT ASSUME that, "The Temple," referred to through out the article is a Jewish Temple.

Members of my Temple do not believe in the supernatural or superstition. In the same way that some Unitarians and some Jews do not believe in God, members in my Temple are not worshipers, most are atheists. They are not affiliated in any way with the Church. Instead, my Temple stands as a symbol of resistance and rebellion against injustices. 

Just like other faiths, my Temple has a code that their members believe in deeply and use to guide their lives. These Seven Fundamental Tenets include that “one should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason,” that “the struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions,” and that “one’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone.” 

When Justice Ginsburg’s death suddenly made combating the threats to reproductive rights and a government free from religious interference more urgent, I knew it was time to join them and support their conceptual and legal battles. 

Even before Ginsburg’s death, the Supreme Court was unwilling to provide adequate protection for a woman’s right to choose and to control her body. The court was unwilling to keep church and state separate. Now, without her voice of reason on the court ― let alone her vote ― Roe v. Wade is in imminent danger of being overturned not based on legal arguments or scientific reasoning, but because of religious objections to what is a safe and necessary procedure for the women who seek it out after discussion with their physician. Ginsburg’s replacement is all but certain to be vehemently anti-choice, with one of the top contenders belonging to a sect that actually used the term “handmaid” to refer to some women until the popularity of the TV series “The Handmaid’s Tale” gave the term negative connotations. 

Reading through the Seven Tenets, I was struck by how closely they aligned with the unwritten code I had used to try to guide my own life for several years. I realized, happily, that these were my people and had been for several years without my even knowing it. 

In the hours after Justice Ginsburg’s death, I sat wondering what the future would hold for my daughters. Their ability to live in a country where the religious beliefs of others would not play a role in their right to assert autonomy over their own bodies was suddenly, starkly, in danger. Traditional means of keeping abortion safe and legal seemed woefully inadequate to protect the rights that women in the generation before me had fought so hard to secure. 

Almost immediately I found strength in the my Temple’s efforts to turn religious arguments on their head by pushing for religious liberty for their members on an equal basis with believers in the dominant Christian faiths. And this is not just a theoretical push. The temple has launched campaigns and filed lawsuits to compel the government to do this in matters ranging from exemptions from legal mandates to cover birth control to the ability to display religious symbols in government buildings or allow religious clubs in public schools. By pointing out instances where the government has favored Christian rhetoric ― and filing legal challenges to stop it ― members from my Temple have transformed belief into action and has demonstrated what freedom fighting truly looks like. 

Our Temple members hope to appear before the Supreme Court in a case challenging a Missouri abortion law that requires those seeking to terminate their pregnancy to first receive materials asserting that their abortion would end the life of a separate, unique person. The temple argues that these materials violate the deeply held religious beliefs of one of our Temple members regarding bodily autonomy and scientifically reasonable personal choice. The argument that our Temple is using is the same one the Supreme Court effectively endorsed in the Hobby Lobby birth control case, for which Justice Ginsburg wrote the dissent ― that no one should have to follow a law that violates their deeply held religious beliefs. If a Christian should not have to do so based on their religion, members from my Temple should not have to either. This is what equality under the law means on a fundamental level and my Temple stands as a symbol of resistance and rebellion against tyranny. 

This is the organization I want to have standing up for my rights and for my daughters’. While I support more mainstream groups like the American Civil Liberties Union and Americans United for Church and State, my research has shown that the my Temple is truly in line with my beliefs about protecting our First Amendment rights and fighting laws that promote or are based on religious doctrine and that it is willing to use radical, creative and yet legally sound strategies to make its case. 

I was able to become a mother when I wanted on my own terms. Throughout my pregnancy, I had access to scientifically accurate information and the ability to make informed choices with my doctor. While I never had an abortion, I want the same opportunities to choose for my own daughters. I am far from certain these rights will exist 10 years from now when they may be deciding when, how or even whether to start their own families. 

We need creative, resolute thinkers who are willing to stand up for what they believe in and take concrete action to do so, and the members of my Temple are those kind of people. I am proud to now count myself among their ranks. 

There is a real chance that the Supreme Court will be lost for a generation or more to justices appointed for their religious beliefs rather than a deep understanding of the Constitution or a desire for justice to be carried out on an impartial basis. Because of this, I believe that the strength of those in my Temple ― and its members’ dedication to fighting for true freedom ― represents our best, last defense against anti-choice lawmakers who are seeking to assert power over women’s bodies and take away our right to choose. 

Everyone who cares about women having autonomy over their bodies should care about efforts to use religion to chip away at this right. We need to think outside the box to challenge what is coming and what is already here. The members of my Temple are already doing that, and by becoming a member, I believe I have joined a community of people who will stop at nothing to safeguard my family’s rights ― and all of our rights ― when they are at their most vulnerable. 

Jamie Smith is an attorney and mother who cares about civil rights. She can be reached at 

Now consider your own point of view, your own sense of dedication, and sense of allegiance to the causes and strategies that you share with your peers and consider the original content in the article below.
see original un-revised article at 

the photo source, and a very informative article on RGB's history and social activism through judicial action (not related to religion). 

As a Point of Contrast

Now consider a broadly traditionally Christian view on most of theses same topics as summarized in this very short video below.

"The Image of God"

I end with and nature video I created

Time to Lapse