Showing posts with label ecology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ecology. Show all posts

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Activism and Destructive Mismanagement

A grandparent remembers a talk with his grandparents.

When I was a little kid my grandparents took me on several trips.

One of our trips included a drive through the Tillamook burn on our way to the Oregon coast. Seeing all of the burnt trees and destruction I was upset and I told them I was sad for all of the animals. I had recently watched Bambi.
My grandparents reassured me that it would be ok. That the destruction I was seeing wouldn't happen anymore because we now managed our forests. That we had good strategies to protect them through the way that we harvested the trees and created defensible fire breaks and how we removed fallen fuels and underbrush to keep any fires that do start from getting too hot to put out.

Since then, the controversy and hoax of the Spotted Owl happened. We were told that the spotted owl could only live in very pristine old growth areas. But in reality the Brown Owl had outcompeted the Spotted Owl for nesting sites in the less pristine areas. The Spotted Owl problem was solved by relocating the excess Brown Owls. But the damage had already been done to the consciousness of our Nation and the News of a solution was not nearly as, "Newsworthy," as repeatedly pounding the narrative of an, "Ecological Crisis." 

See Senate speech inspiring poster at: 

By then activist demand and media focus selective public outcry had succeeded in shutting down much of our timber and paper industry and the power of pseudo-
ecological activism on educators and  legislators had succeeded in reframing the priorities of US forestry management. 

This pervasive climate of distortion had turned a minor species management problem into a major, mostly unrelated forestry management failure. Instead of protecting both species and investment, we increased our probability for annual reoccurring uncontrollable " Wildfires."  
Now as the years have passed the forests have truly been re-converted back from the forests my grandparents described. Instead of well protected, productive carbon absorbing landscapes that shelter plant and animal life, we have re-converted them to carbon and heat releasing timebombs that consistently increase atmospheric carbon levels!

There goes the animals and their habitat. There goes the pristine beauty of our forest... There goes our jobs and communities... And there goes the carbon with heat so intense heat that it forms 
pyrocumulonimbus clouds that mirror the harm created during nuclear blasts.

For a quick and interesting read about what the, "data shows." See the article in the link below titled…


Discribing Pyrocumulonimbus clouds that are basically fire-induced thunderstorms. Click link below to see story

Sadly, those diseased and semi burnt burnt trees won't be useful to Spotted Owls or harvestable for our lumber communities. Now they just decay, releasing more and more carbon and provide intensifying fuel for tomorrows fires.
In our present political climate, one of our Presidential Candidates repeatedly describes biased News distortion as, "FAKE NEWS." Personally I grow weary of his constant repetitions of this theme.

But the destructive nature of this manipulative social tool cannot be overstated. 

In Nazi Germany it was called the, "The Big Lie," and eventually drove their nation to extremes in medical cruelty, unfounded wars and near self destruction.

When applied in communist nations it is called, "Propaganda," by outsiders and has led to punitive extremes and rejection of historical cultural values, violent social division, economic destruction and the intentional starvation of over 70 million of their citizens.

If you are interested in how their events compare with what is happening in America consider the following post at:

Can we really go down both paths at the same time?

For some interesting stories on current challenges to our environmental wellbeing, click the (video playlist) link below.

Creation Groans! Butterfly Effects, Rising CO2

#multigenerational  #mediabias  #culturechange #ecologicalfailures  #forestrymanagement 

Friday, April 7, 2023

Which Path, Ecology or Social Idealism, Starvation or Responsible Science

Can We Continue Down 

Both Paths?

The Worlds Most Accomplished
Agricultural Scientist Would Say


 Consider the words from the 1970 Nobel Peace Prize winner, Norman Borlaug, attributed with saving billions of lives..

"I now say that the world has the technology - either available or well advanced in the research pipeline - to feed on a sustainable basis a population of 10 billion people. The more pertinent question today is whether farmers and ranchers will be permitted to use this new technology? While the affluent nations can certainly afford to adopt ultra low-risk positions, and pay more for food produced by the so-called "organic" methods, the one billion chronically undernourished people of the low income, food-deficit nations cannot."

But he also warned decades ago...

As stated, this quote is from decades ago.

 In November of 2022 global population reached 8 billion.

 But the question remains. Will we succeed or fail?

In the late 1960's the world's agricultural efforts did fail. It failed to feed the world's 3.5 billion people and hundreds of thousands starved during droughts in arid countries. At that time, our leading highly educated elites, led by Dr. Paul Erlich, author of, “The Population Bomb," thought the task was hopeless and casually suggested, "We should probably just let them starve."  Government leaders in India forced the sterilization of millions and China forcefully implemented the, "One Child Policy," with all the abuses that came with it.

Hear Dr. Erlich, in this short video that highlights this crisis and how it was resolved.


Why overpopulation fears haven't come true | Freethink Wrong 


The video also contrasts elitist views with, more practical problem solvers like U.S. Agricultural Researcher, and Nobel Prize winner, Norman Borlaug. Borlaug developed a high yield strain of wheat that grew well in arid climates. Although the strain required little rain, it did require extensive fertilizing in comparison to other strains.

Today's cultural leaders with global warming concerns are now seeking to forbid fertilizer use across our globe. But have they considered the probable outcome? Have you? 

Could it return us to frequent regional crop failures and significantly lower yields. The Borlaug Strain produced up to 10 times the yield, depending on conditions, after adding fertilization. Wouldn't a return to the practices of the past also return us to the failures of the past?

Could this be intentional? Could the globalist goal be frequent depopulation events through episodes of starvation? Especially if implemented during this time of relative climate instability called, "Climate Change."

But that seems unimaginable. Could eliminating fertilizer really cripple global food production to the point of causing starvation? Modern civilized people wouldn’t allow it! Removing the option of fertilizer wouldn’t really remove the food multiplying effect of high yield crops. Would it? Depopulation couldn’t really be the goal!

Surprisingly, this type of action is not new. In the 1930’s and 1950’s leaders imposed starvation measures that took over 40 million lives in the Soviet Union and nearly 55 million in Communist China.

These actions were very effective in securing their cause. They demonstrated their power to overwhelm and control existing systems and the cost's these, "Socialist Republic's," were willing to pay to unify their population and remove all opposition to governmental policies. 

Consider the short video below and realize it was created before Covid-19 controversies. A time where American's were not coerced by viewpoint censorship and policed by disinformation controls. Do any of their actions remind you of what is happening now?


 When China went to war against the sparrows

  The History Guy: History Deserves to Be Remembered

 And if you are interested in context and how history repeats itself, you will appreciate the, "swimming video," pictured below. It is concise.

Please realize that the Red Guard mentioned in the video was made up of Jr. High and early High School age youth that were taught in their school system to reject the values of the past. Not surprisingly, This is also the age group that is targeted by the controversial tictok App. 

Very recently this same age group of America's school students walked out of their classes across our nation in a, "nationwide student protest," against current gun ownership laws. What was reported can be seen at . titled, "Thousands of students walk-out in protest for gun control"   NewsChannel 5.   

Surprisingly absent from the reports I reviewed is any information on who is organizing these protests and what these organizers have scheduled to happen next. In the video below we see a very intense report on the sustained protests of the student army of the Red Guard that brought change to China.

 The power of a picture in China's Cultural Revolution 

 All of these were important steps in the Communist’s political march to secure centralized power and replace intellectual and moral independence with submission to the collectivist narrative. 

Could this be happening in America today? Did you feel a pull to unify with those who demanded rigid enforcements of a collectivist narrative response during the Global Covid Shutdowns? Did those who disagreed with you deserve punishment and censorship?
What about the irregularities of having an election during the lockdowns? Were those with apprehensions criminals who deserved punishment? Were the doctors and scientists at variance with these  narratives also criminals? And the 2020 campaign? Was it typical or irregular? And what about the narratives enshrouding the January 6th event?
Do you accept and seek to enforce these narratives, or do you seek to explore and understand the benefits of a nation that allows differing points of view? 
But how does all of this relate to crops and restrictions on fertilizer? 
It serves to eliminate the fork in the road. It signifies an escalation in polarization. Currently we are committed to promoting both directions. Today ideas of Public Health and Welfare are waning. They are being displaced by elitist goals of  Environmental Restoration and Protection. 

(Public Health and Safety)                    or                      (Environmental Restoration)

Passively restricting food supplies in this manner will demonstrate our commitment to make any sacrifice necessary to, "Save Our Planet!"

If fertilizer restrictions are fully implemented, hypothetically, up to 5 billion people could starve, relieving the world of over half of the human strain that now taxes her ecosystems. Many progressive leaning intellectuals would call this sacrifice, necessary for the long-term good of our planet, much like Margret Sanger's talk about controlling "human weeds."

But how can we allow this sacrifice! Doesn’t anyone remember, "Silence is Violence," or, "Black Lives Matter?"  On our globe, the highest concentration of, "Black and Brown Lives," are located in arid areas, with nutrient poor soil. Considering these facts, it is apparent that saving black and brown lives is not the goal of today's social and governmental elites.

These slogans may be useful for political manipulation and gaining political power, but they are blatant lies when it actually comes to implementing policies to protect black and brown lives both in the West and across the globe.

Consider their actions in our recent global battle with Covid-19.

In the west our leaders repeatedly refused to provide even the first dose of vaccination for those living in most of the southern hemispheres, which includes Africa. Even as we in the North and Western Europe were receiving our fourth doses. 

At that time, Mike Ryan, executive director of the World Health Organization’s Health Emergencies Program described his frustration in the link below. See it at minute 00:23:12. of the W.H.O. press conference where he said, 

In the West, it's like, “We're planning to hand out extra life jackets to people who already have life jackets, while we're leaving other people to drown. see original W.H.O. post at

The extended story and timeline of our world response to Covid-19 is available at this Link:

Fortunately for up to 5 billion of us living on the planet today, Borlaug was not an, "ecological progressive.” He persevered for decades and overcame stiff intellectual opposition from governments and leaders across the globe. Eventually he went directly to the farmers in many countries.

I am amazed at how our leaders and media so calmly ignore such realities! Imagine ignoring the potential for up to half of your own family dying, and dying from something that is quite preventable. Our proven methods have been working well. Why would we abandon them?

If you aren't concerned, perhaps you should be. 

As I said, fertilizers are essential for the high-yield wheat and many other crops that feed most of the world. Today fertilizer production has already been crippled due to the war in Ukraine, as Ukraine is a top producer and production shortages could also be a problem. 

But Initiatives to ban fertilizer use? This is insanity!

How can God not judge us for our irresponsibility in such matters! Perhaps He is. The side-story in the Link below was written several years ago when we visited Philadelphia. It presents Abraham Lincoln's View on Judgement as related to Slavery both then and now.



Click Link Below for this side story:

It seems that we are truly asleep in our complacency much like the Bible account of the rich man that ignored Lazarus's plight. If you haven't considered faith in the past, now is the time to call upon the Name of the Lord and be saved. If you are curious get a Bible and start in the New Testament in the Book of John.

 In closing, reconsider these words from the 1970 Nobel Peace Prize winner, Norman Borlaug, attributed with saving several billions of lives..

"I now say that the world has the technology - either available or well advanced in the research pipeline - to feed on a sustainable basis a population of 10 billion people. The more pertinent question today is whether farmers and ranchers will be permitted to use this new technology? While the affluent nations can certainly afford to adopt ultra low-risk positions, and pay more for food produced by the so-called "organic" methods, the one billion chronically undernourished people of the low income, food-deficit nations cannot."

By developing and applying the scientific and technological skills of the twentieth century for “the well-being of mankind throughout the world”, he may still see Isaiah’s prophesies come true: “… And the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose… And the parched ground shall become a pool, and the thirsty land springs of water…”

See full article at

~ Norman Borlaug~ Occupation: Agricultural Scientist
Born: March 25, 1914, Died at age 95 on September 12, 2009

The link above is to the Playlist above that  presents Borlaug's story  along with other noteworthy threats to our existence past and present. (CLICK LINK ABOVE NOT PICTURE) to see playlist.

photo and quote source: