Showing posts with label election riots. Show all posts
Showing posts with label election riots. Show all posts

Sunday, March 19, 2023

How History Qualifies Truth! Consider John, Sam, Martin, Saul and Tucker.


#13 He who answers a matter before he hears it. It is folly and shame to him.

 #15 The heart of the prudent acquires knowledge and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.

 #17 The first one to plead his cause seems right until his neighbor comes and examines him.
For history to be History, context matters.
 It matters more than anything else if discovering and understanding, "Truth," is the goal.
Through the last few decades, the most influential voice in reshaping views on American History, including beliefs about, "America's Revolution," was social activist 
Saul Alinsky. His teachings and mentoring literally shaped the attitudes and actions of Presidents Obama and Clinton as well as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who wrote her thesis paper on Alinsky's work and philosophy. 
Alinsky wrote the book, “Rules for Radicals,” which I believe, wrongly characterized the beginning of America’s Revolution as a well planned and well executed manipulation for advancing acts of, "necessary," injustice.
He attributed the success and momentum of the American uprising to the, "necessary," manipulations called for by Samuel Adams, second cousin to John Adams. Alinsky presented unjust manipulation as the central, "necessary," feature of our American form of Governing.
But Alinsky conveniently ignored the greater accomplishment of Sam's second cousin John Adams, who under great duress and threat to his own life fought for and won the acquittal of the British soldiers that fired on the taunting crowd at the, “Boston Massacre.”
The success of the American cause was not advanced nearly as much by the intimidating agitation promoted by Sam Adams, as our current culture would have you believe. It's cohesive strength was advanced more by a growing faith in the kind of character that John Adams displayed through this act that he much later labeled as;
“One of the best pieces of service I have rendered my country. Judgement of death against those soldiers would have been as foul a stain upon this country as the executions of the Quakers or witches.” Adams wanted a nation of rule and law, not one of mob justice, even if it meant defending members of the oppressive army of his enemy.
The story is portrayed in the video below.

John Adams: The President Who Defended the Redcoats
The cementing factor that allowed, the formation of a, “New American Union,” a union of formerly loyal British Subjects aligned with American Revolutionaries was based on this type of, “Equal Justice.” A blind justice under law, according to the commonly held Judeo-Christian Ethic. This was drastically different than the politically enhanced narrative intended by Sam Adams or imposed by King George. 
Fears and the strong desire for control fought against this, Best Outcome," on both sides. But in the end, the courage of conviction to discover and uphold truth won. 
Today, commentator Tucker Carlson has come under fire for making public and providing comment on the recently released videos pertaining to the January 6th event in Washington D.C..  Is this the type of truth that Tucker is seeking? What do you think? Should he be shut down? Or encouraged?
Take a moment to listen to what he has to say and consider history  before deciding what you think? 



Fox News host Tucker Carlson fires back at critics...

The link below also presents another perspective on the U.S. deaths that occurred through the many months of what journalists called, the "mostly peaceful," anti-Trump-election and BLM protests. This article is from a news source from outside of the U.S. Please take a look.  

At least 25 Americans were killed during protests and political unrest in 2020

(click link below to read article.)

The vast majority of deaths described in this article were the result of violent opportunists, enticed by the chaos and vulnerability that these continuing protests, frequently turned riots, repeatedly created. This is the type of manipulation that both Samuel Adams and Saul Alinsky called for.

In August of 1963 another activist, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. stated, “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” Below is the final portion of his last speech on April 3, 1968. Earlier in this speech he described his deep commitments to resisting intimidation, to strengthening the brotherhood of humanity, to strive for economic and racial justice through non-violence and his profound appreciation for the source of his hope and strength.

Unusual courage and strength of character is what he and John Adams displayed. This strength of character did more than, "make them known." It empowered and directed many others in our nation to find their strength of character as well and caused Adams to be elected as our second President of the newly formed United States of America.
This clip from HBO dramatized the challenges he faced:

Although the Tucker Carlson presentation may seem inflammatory,  we as a people have a responsibility to perceive and appreciate what is true even more than the feelings of compassion or anger that move us emotionally. We have a responsibility even when the truth challenges our personal prejudices, the narratives of our culture or the idealism of our friends. 

In contrast, to John Adams' demonstration of sacrificial integrity, and Martin's courageous commitment to non-violence our current political administrators actually encouraged the ongoing agitation that extended this chaos, and our media and criminal prosecutors obscured these deaths and refused to prosecute the property crimes that so effectively destroyed many of our communities. This was truly an example of the kind of, "necessary," injustice that second cousin Samuel Adams and Saul Alinsky called for.  

Rather than Tear Down: Commit to Build and Strengthen!

As Americans we have a historic civic responsibility to commit too, and encourage everyone we know to reject and refuse to be involved in socially destructive organizations and events. As individuals, if or when something we are involved in starts to go badly, we need to resist, challenge wrongdoing or even vote with our feet and leave immediately. REPEATED escalations to violence and community destruction is what separated the January 6th event from the other protests of that time. On the January 6th rally, the vast majority attendees simply left. They did not remain to provide coercive force of power and cover for the insurrectionists. They simply left and did not return for repeat performances. 

The challenges of today are not really that different than the challenges faced in times past. These challenges have been common t
hrough out human history as has injustice when systems fall short or fail, especially when they are overwhelmed. But are the turmoil's of today the result of flawed people working in imperfect systems or are they the deliberate acts of destructive manipulators working behind the scenes? Consider...

The Cloward-Piven Strategy: Orchestrating A Crisis So Government Can “Solve” It

See article at: 

and the original article that presents the manipulative principle in great detail. It is well worth the read. The title is misleading as it dismisses the human costs of the political power they seek.

See it at:

Every system known to mankind can fail when it is overwhelmed, be it our Criminal Justice System, our Court System, our Public Safety and Policing System, our Immigration System, our Health Care System and even our Financial System. And they all fail more often, more severely and cause more harm when they are overwhelmed. 

Doesn't it seem odd that under some administrations the phenomena of systems dependence and overload decreases, and under other  administrations recently working systems seem to explode? 

In the second example, we are told that these failures provide those leaders with opportunities to, "build back better." Like in the article above.

But what about the suffering and destruction that occurred in the explosion? And why don't the losses that we the people experience affect the leaders that created them? On the contrary these leaders reap extreme rewards in power, prestige and wealth. 

I wonder if Sam Adams, or Saul Alinsky would have felt the same about these necessary injustices if their family members were unintentionally caught in the riots that they inspired? If they had been shot, brutalized or crippled? I am certain that if they thought their loved ones were in harms way the would have warned them. But what about the rest of us. People are not pawns to be discarded. 

I believe that we should take these recent events with their governmental responses as a warning. Our choices are simple. Either we need to submissively surrender our critical thinking skills and embrace the ultimate knowledge and control that these leaders seek to  impose, "for our welfare," or learn from the, "truths," of history. Consider this comparison to a centrally controlled life under socialism in East Germany before the wall came down. 

In my opinion, if we are truly seeking Justice. We need to rediscover and be led by the genuine truths of history. We need to do as John Adams did and exert our,  "Utmost in Character," and as Martin Luther King Jr. did in," Continuing in Courage," to cause the systems that we all rely on to succeed, to the true benefit of our friends, our families and our communities. 

Thanks' for reading, and be sure to stay informed. Be sure to ask hard questions. And be sure to support conservative candidates. Because, "Conservatism," a 
commitment to build on our proven successes and working principles is far more beneficial than the, "necessary destruction," of tearing down to build-back-better on unproven theories through consolidated governmental power and control. 

And for goodness sake, be sure to register and vote.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020


Controlling the Narrative.

An updated reposting from my November 2016 post

The moral outrage of prejudice is like staring so intently at our assumptions that we cannot examine our beliefs.
We close our eyes, our minds and our hearts to accepting truthful perspective.

Lessons from one of History's most significant Riots of "Moral Outrage."

Original date of the Kristallnacht, "Night of Broken Glass 
(against perceived Jewish abuse after the assassination of Ernst vom Rath)
Date: November 9-10, 1938  
Location: across all of Germany, Austria, and occupied Europe.

A quote from the Kristallnacht  Holocaust Encyclopedia, found at:

"A Turning Point

The events of Kristallnacht represented one of the most important turning points in National Socialist antisemitic policy. Historians have noted that after the pogrom, anti-Jewish policy was concentrated more and more concretely into the hands of the SS. Moreover, the passivity with which most German civilians responded to the violence signaled to the Nazi regime that the German public was prepared for more radical measures. "   (emphasis added)

Among them the refusal of insurance companies to pay for reparations from the riots and the purging of the Reichstag of those holding politically incorrect views. 

See Monument below.

No it's not a stone bicycle rack.

While in Germany years earlier, when we visited to reunite with my birth family. We also visited the Reichstag building in Berlin, (comparable to our Senate). In front of the building is a very small, very unusual monument. It was created to recognize the 96 members of the German congress who spoke out against the Nazi narrative. The Reichstag is where they unsuccessfully challenged the edicts followed by the newly formed, "Ministry of Information." Through the, Ministry, the Nazi narrative was advanced throughout the German culture and into the German public school system. It was celebrated by many, especially those in Hitler's Youth Corp. Large portions of this Nazi narrative were also incorporated into many of Germany's churches due to it's seeming popularity and to avoid future discrimination. 

Each slate slab in the monument represents one politician, with his name, his political party, and the date and location of his death. Most died while imprisoned in concentration camps.

This monument is small in size and easy to disregard, like the effect of their voices, even as it occupies a place of honor in front of the Reichstag building.

The video below presents an eyewitness account from the perspective of a ten year old girl who experienced the narrative of the day. She lived in Austria and describes her
 excitement with the promises of a central planned Socialist State and the powerful cultural changes that came during the annexation of Austria.

Kitty Werthmann



A similar event, in the style of the Kristrallnacht  uprising occurred in our 2016 (Post Election Riots of Moral Outrage) 
Date: November 9,10,11,12, 2016 
Location: Portland, Oregon and across the USA. 

Earlier that November I had visited Israel with my son and his fiance'. Here I am at Israel's Holocaust Museum, #YadVashem Memorial.

At YadVashem I was graphically reintroduced to #Kristallnacht, or the, "Night of Broken Glass," and all that came with it. My experience motivated my original post in November of 2016.

Three days after returning home from my Israel trip a youth led movement eventually became much like a "(k)ristallnacht." It was taking place at the city where I worked. At first it took the form of a regular protest as it started with youthful protesters marching, which...

 quickly turned too.

A narrative of violent intimidation which continued for days. 

So what makes these events similar?

It was on Kristallnacht in 1938 that Germany's youth rose up and acted out the #politicallycorrect teachings championed in their schools.

It was on Kristallnacht in 1938 that the German Youth Corp forcefully implemented the Progressive ideals of their time by moving beyond acts of subtle discrimination to acts of violent intimidation. 

The link below is to a well detailed article on European and American #Progressive social philosophy during the preware period including how these views even extended into California State Supreme Court decisions and were later used as a defense in the Nuremberg Trials by Nazi war criminals.

The Horrifying American Roots of Nazi Eugenics

 by Edwin Black
Edwin Black is the author of "IBM and the Holocaust" and "War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America's Campaign to Create a Master Race,"  from which the following article is drawn.

Click Link below (not picture) to see article. 

These progressive values were also foundational in the implementation of many of America's social and health care policies. Policies that many in our black community find discriminatory and offensive. 

Read more at: 

Black Pastors Ask Smithsonian to Remove Bust of Planned Parenthood Founder

By Penny Starr | August 7, 2015 | 4:14pm EDT
Click Link below,(not picture) to see article.

It was on Kristallnacht in 1938 that the press and political leadership of Germany accelerated the seeming explosion of "spontaneous, retaliatory" violence and destruction into the streets of occupied Europe. 

Earlier they had endorsed acts of discrimination. But now widespread physical violence and destruction were seen as heroic acts of the people's will. This allowed them to move forward to eventually seize all Jewish property. It created the sanction for indiscriminate public executions and progressed their cause toward eventual mass genocide. 

While visiting Israel, our Israeli guide reported that He had grandparents who survived the Holocaust and became the sole representative of their two families. Both were widowed as a result of the genocide. They met and married on a kibbutz after fleeing to Israel. He and his family continue to live on a kibbutz.

Like the progressive leader in Germany in 1938, our presiding President, in 2016, President Obama, took a position of passive understanding and acceptance of the riots in hopes to avoid escalation. The State Governor of Oregon went even farther to offer condolences. 

TWO YEARS EARLIER.... With Malheur, this same Governor, Kate Brown was not so amicable to protesters who challenged her values. It was on Wed, Jan 21st, 2016 that Governor Kate Brown demanded an end to the protest at Malheur Wildlife Refuge, ending the nonviolent phase stating... “This SPECTACLE of LAWLESSNESS must end! ... I WILL NOT STOP INSISTING that Federal Officials ENFORCE THE LAW!”

Within three days a key spokesperson from the group would be dead. See story in the (link) below.
News | An Occupation In Eastern Oregon

Gov. Brown Appeals To Obama For Resolution To Malheur Occupation

Read more from this article including copies of the letters sent to Lynch and Commey at link above.

Click Link below to see complete playlist of related stories in the sequence of events as occurred at the Malheur Protest.
A Comparison of Protests
 and Governmental Responses

This reaction of government leadership to pardon and condone overt acts of violence and anarchist destruction, while harshly punishing more subtle expressions of resistance, protest and negotiation is appalling. In looking at the two groups, What patterns do you see that cause you concern? 


Although these men, expressing their grievances at the refuge posed a potential threat by openly brandishing firearms. Their pattern of action was consistently non threatening. This can be clearly seen in the sequence of videos in the playlist created from varied sources.  

The only casualty was one of failed police protocol much like the death of Mr Floyd. 

The Malheur Protesters presented themselves as strong, but refused to threaten or act destructively in a way that would cause intimidation or fear. 

(irresponsible destructive acts did occur in the privacy of the wildlife refuge however and consequences were levied against perpetrators in the form of fines after the protest ended.)

The State and Federal Government response however failed. It failed by escalating this case, even as happened with George Floyd. But here the prejudice of administrative power is shown in an unprovoked homicidal confrontation with Federal and State Police ordered by the Governor that ended the life of Mr. Finicum. 

This reaction of government leadership to pardon and condone overt acts of violence and destruction in the anarchist riots, while harshly punishing more subtle expressions of power is appalling.

Our Constitution guarantees our right to both bear arms in a nonthreatening manner and redress our government with our grievance through petition and protests. This group did both as well as actively lessening their intimidation by conducting their protests away from population centers.   

In 2016, I wrote that, "We need to exercise caution or we may find ourselves continuing down the road laid by Germany’s Brown Shirts." (Are we already too late?) The petri dish where destructive groups like anarchists, Nazis, the Taliban, and the KKK  gain their power is in the fear that mob action creates. 

The augar that feeds them is the division and lack of civil discipline, #WeThePeople," exhibit.

Street protest is our LAST, not first mode of communication because of the volatility and confusion it creates by manipulating the generalities of it's message. It becomes necessary only when other means fail, but the disruption creates confusion and wastes valuable resources by placing huge expense on local communities. 

The Post-Election actions of November 9 -11,

And these most recent...

 Post George Floyd death/ Black Lives Matter, (Riots of Moral Outrage)  once again in the (k)ristrallnacht (style)
Date: May 25- to date June 23, 2020  
Location: Portland, Oregon and across the GLOBE.

These are acts of social destruction. They are the opposite of productive civil disobedience because their message has been hijacked.

You don't add fuel to a hijacked plane. 

You dump the fuel.

The protesters are being played as pawns by the Anarchists and the very Media that promotes and profits off the negative and divisive aspects of the the chaos they create. How?...  By fostering a media market where truly informative content doesn't sell.

It continuously rewards hyperbole and outrage with the spotlight of their attention. We have relinquished the reigns of journalistic research and discipline to the profiteers and gossips. 

We have failed to create a thirst for wisdom and perspective among, "We The People."

For those with a genuine desire to improve America, we would accomplish far more by volunteering in our communities, writing our representatives and working to benefit those living in our homes. 

Home is where values are traditionally taught through modeling and precept.

Following is an excellent article on who holds power over shaping the lives of our children. It was written in response to the complaint of President Trump being a compromised moral example to their children.

Titled:  Don’t give Trump so much credit, America

With the rejection of the traditional Judaeo-Christian family and it's values, the modern nuclear family is being reshaped along media induced progressive guidelines in much the same way as happened in Pre-War Germany.

In 2016:  I wrote that, 
"In time we will find out if we are going to have a similar outcome."  (to the changes experience in Pre-War Germany)

I only hope that here in 2020 it is not too late. 

Or like so many others we may soon find that the anarchist in charge no longer favor protests.

Youth uprisings after anarchist control. It really didn't seem that bad at the start. It's really not that bad, No not really