Showing posts with label fake news. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fake news. Show all posts

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Activism and Destructive Mismanagement

A grandparent remembers a talk with his grandparents.

When I was a little kid my grandparents took me on several trips.

One of our trips included a drive through the Tillamook burn on our way to the Oregon coast. Seeing all of the burnt trees and destruction I was upset and I told them I was sad for all of the animals. I had recently watched Bambi.
My grandparents reassured me that it would be ok. That the destruction I was seeing wouldn't happen anymore because we now managed our forests. That we had good strategies to protect them through the way that we harvested the trees and created defensible fire breaks and how we removed fallen fuels and underbrush to keep any fires that do start from getting too hot to put out.

Since then, the controversy and hoax of the Spotted Owl happened. We were told that the spotted owl could only live in very pristine old growth areas. But in reality the Brown Owl had outcompeted the Spotted Owl for nesting sites in the less pristine areas. The Spotted Owl problem was solved by relocating the excess Brown Owls. But the damage had already been done to the consciousness of our Nation and the News of a solution was not nearly as, "Newsworthy," as repeatedly pounding the narrative of an, "Ecological Crisis." 

See Senate speech inspiring poster at: 

By then activist demand and media focus selective public outcry had succeeded in shutting down much of our timber and paper industry and the power of pseudo-
ecological activism on educators and  legislators had succeeded in reframing the priorities of US forestry management. 

This pervasive climate of distortion had turned a minor species management problem into a major, mostly unrelated forestry management failure. Instead of protecting both species and investment, we increased our probability for annual reoccurring uncontrollable " Wildfires."  
Now as the years have passed the forests have truly been re-converted back from the forests my grandparents described. Instead of well protected, productive carbon absorbing landscapes that shelter plant and animal life, we have re-converted them to carbon and heat releasing timebombs that consistently increase atmospheric carbon levels!

There goes the animals and their habitat. There goes the pristine beauty of our forest... There goes our jobs and communities... And there goes the carbon with heat so intense heat that it forms 
pyrocumulonimbus clouds that mirror the harm created during nuclear blasts.

For a quick and interesting read about what the, "data shows." See the article in the link below titled…


Discribing Pyrocumulonimbus clouds that are basically fire-induced thunderstorms. Click link below to see story

Sadly, those diseased and semi burnt burnt trees won't be useful to Spotted Owls or harvestable for our lumber communities. Now they just decay, releasing more and more carbon and provide intensifying fuel for tomorrows fires.
In our present political climate, one of our Presidential Candidates repeatedly describes biased News distortion as, "FAKE NEWS." Personally I grow weary of his constant repetitions of this theme.

But the destructive nature of this manipulative social tool cannot be overstated. 

In Nazi Germany it was called the, "The Big Lie," and eventually drove their nation to extremes in medical cruelty, unfounded wars and near self destruction.

When applied in communist nations it is called, "Propaganda," by outsiders and has led to punitive extremes and rejection of historical cultural values, violent social division, economic destruction and the intentional starvation of over 70 million of their citizens.

If you are interested in how their events compare with what is happening in America consider the following post at:

Can we really go down both paths at the same time?

For some interesting stories on current challenges to our environmental wellbeing, click the (video playlist) link below.

Creation Groans! Butterfly Effects, Rising CO2

#multigenerational  #mediabias  #culturechange #ecologicalfailures  #forestrymanagement 

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Informational Ecosystems and Fake News

Destroying Our Informational Ecosystem

What makes Fake News Fake?

1. Overwhelming repetition of select info that displaces higher priority information for the gain of special interests groups to distract the public from being truly informed in a timely manner.

2. Exaggerated or minimized content through omission or skewed emphasis to mislead the public and advance the agenda of a special interest.

3. The manipulated polarizing of opposing points of view to opposing consensuses as accelerations in social media sharing and reaction are used to push social division and reduce the communication of collaborative compromise.

The use of social media peaked during the 2016 election and for the first time its true destructive power was realized as external operatives used it to divide Americans against each other. The details of this ongoing form of intrusive manipulation were examined and reported on by the journalists of  PBS' Frontline. 

These broadcasts are listed below. 

"The Facebook Dilemma" parts 1and 2
and can be viewed by clicking the windows.

See Part 1 The Facebook Dilemma

See Part 2 The Facebook Dilemma

They describe RUSSIAN SPONSORED INVOLVEMENT in our election and Russian social media influence across the globe. These actions have led to frequent social disruptions and even murder as clandestine news sources controlled through Russian influence foment biased reactions and division.

(Some very clear examples are presented on Part 2 at minute 8:50-10:55 and 13:10-14:20 AND ESPECIALLY 20:30-26:20 where Russian sponsored operatives CREATED multiple OPPOSITION GROUPS on facebook and other platforms here in the US and organized OPPOSING PROTEST EVENTS in our cities, some of which were very destructive and violent.

You can also see how our Senate wrongly addressed Russian involvement with the pre-election Trump team on the CSPAN recording of Senate hearings from June 3. 2020.

Former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein testifies on Crossfire Hurricane Investigation

In The Facebook Dilemma, investigators discovered thousands of instances where Russian operatives created division and discord among the American people by promoting very polarized and inflammatory websites and creating facebook-groups along with inflammatory posts for group followers to share. Their goal, to divide and paralyze America and destroy America's influence by crippling her system of Government.

Consider what you share. 

It seems that many of the fake sites don't even try to hide it anymore. Before you share, check who sent it and who their friends are. Check the site it came from. And most of all, check the intent. 

Are you really so driven that you 
are willing to be used by known 
enemies intent on destroying
 our nation?

Today, with the sudden eruption of these (well organized?) protests and riots, it seems apparent that something similar is happening. But this time, is it the Russians? Or are other actors involved? I guess only time will tell. But it is very obvious to anyone on line that the volume of divisive social media is accelerating and that much of it fits one of the FAKE categories. 

So how does on line media compare with Broadcast News? 
Is the News presented through our broadcast media also FAKE?

Consider how these questions apply?
1. Is it balanced, presenting the interests of multiple sides in the topics or conflict it covers?

2. Is it adequate in depth to clearly present a clear picture complete with opposing perspectives?

3. Is it distributed in a way that informs audiences with accurate and timely information, or is it marketed to provide little actual information and keep you emotionally hooked to maximize the gains of special interests or commercial sponsors?

Consider the emotionally charged coverage of the Covid 19 Pandemic, and the death of  George Floyd in the hands of easily distracted, poorly trained police officers and the intensely motivating coverage of Black Lives Matter response. 

May 29, 2020, Portland Oregon

Unlike historical events, organized and directed by known leaders,  who has organized these events? Have these organizers acknowledged that ignoring the "Stay At Home Order" and calling the Black Community to march would expose them and their families to the destruction of the pandemic.

It is no secret that our black population ranks near the top in vulnerability! Second only to our elderly. 

In actuality; could this march of seeming solidarity be an act of kindness, or a kiss of death? Have theses marches initiate real action to find real solutions or are they an offering of guilt and ease like the donations of Small-Pox contaminated blankets to American Indian populations during the Small-Pox pandemic?

Time will certainly tell, but my questions is. Will THE NEWS? 
My son and daughter in law have maintained distancing from both sets of parents through the pandemic to protect us and her parent.

Doesn't our black community deserve as much? Why don't these organizers, and who are they.

Recently a spokesperson from Portland's OHSU describing the protests stated that she was not concerned over the possibility of  exposure because the protesters were wearing masks. Really? Look at the pictures. This type of statement is typical of the FAKE News we are so often faced with.  

To solve real social problems we have to look beyond our prejudices and consider real solutions. Soothing our racial consciences through overt gestures of solidarity, and knee-jerk reactions against police in general are not real solutions. If we have a problem with our police then we have to examine our methods of policing.  

Beyond all of the social disturbance, I would like see reporting on the general public's response to these disruptions. Before the riots and protests end and we move on to other things, I would like to hear police leadership express their concerns and hopes for change. 

I want to hear how they feel about having their experienced leadership replaced through political gesture and how they believe these action will affect all of our futures.

I want to hear about the history of changes that our police have already experienced and hear officers share their best strategies for effective community policing. I want them to tell me what real police professionalism looks like, how bad cops should be dealt with and how to avoid them when hiring.

Before the protests end, perhaps the news teams should ride along and present their stories and the challenges they face as well as the  victims of violence and the business owners who have suffered loss.

In my opinion, the one sided narrative presented during the vast majority of our news coverage puts much of it in the FAKE CATEGORY, especially when it is panders to special interest sponsors and select groups.

I would certainly watch more on the TV special coverage if stories were presented in greater depth. 

But what I see plays only to my morbid curiosity. I do not want to watch for hours waiting to see another person be assaulted or a shop owner's building be destroyed. This form of coverage does not address my sense of reason.

Today, many express a narrative of anger toward our political system, saying it does nothing but put our country up for sale to the rich as the highest bidders buy government influence. 

But I see a far more powerful form of influence manipulation. The manipulation of our public through these many forms of FAKE media. It seems that we have been trained like circus animals to welcome it. 

As to bribes and contribution misconduct in Congress, they can be corrected through legal action. But how do we correct a social addiction to media sensationalism and pandering?  

Whether you agree with my thoughts or not; 

the PBS FRONTLINE links. 
They are repeated below.

"The Facebook Dilemma" part 1

"The Facebook Dilemma" part 2

They are VERY INFORMATIVE and describe much of what we are seeing around us. Especially Part 2 at minute 8:50-10:55 and 13:10-14:20 AND ESPECIALLY 20:30-26:20 

Whether we are being influenced by the Russians or it is coming from other sources, it appears to be having the same effect in dividing our population into parties of shame and blame. 

To prosper, we have to find genuine way to work together for the good of our communities and country. This is not an easy thing. It does not occur through gesture alone as my recent Go-Fund-Me page created to help my Afro-American neighbor revealed.

Although racism was not been mentioned in the list of problems he has reported to me, lack of acceptance and the subsequent complaints from neighbors were.

This neighbor is the only black person in our neighborhood. He  recently experienced an eviction after the complete destruction of his property. After a long battle with the Vancouver building department and courts he was forced to allow his property to be abated. That is to have everything removed from the property.

For some time, his peculiarities were unacceptable to some of his neighbors and complaint driven code violations procedures were finalized by a kitchen fire that resulted in his property being condemned and eventually bulldozed. 

During the abatement process however, the actions of the City employees and the Police Officer present clearly demonstrated the themes of human respect and self restraint, as can be seen in the video below.  


Destruction and Hopes for Collaboration

But the crowds of seemingly sympathetic respondents on Facebook did almost nothing to actually help my friend and the fund created to assist him rebuild did not grow. 

Over a period of two moths the a GO-Fund-ME page only received one pledge other than the original contribution that I made. Was this lack of support due to racism? Or was it a lack of acceptance for other reasons? 

Reguardless, When it comes to real action, gestures of sympathy online or even huge marches sponsored by (?) just don't cut it.

At this time of intense emotionalism and false assumptions of  social progress we need to stop ourselves and take a deep breathe. 

We need to open our eyes fully and engage our brains and relearn how to actually value each other. 

We all differ in many ways. But that does not mean that any of us deserve punishment or discrimination. We need to look at the cost of our biases and move beyond them. 

This is especially true for our African American neighbors who may be suffering greatly. And it is also true for our police officers who are also suffering.