Showing posts with label fentanyl. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fentanyl. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

How affirmation killed the boy who cried wolf

How affirmation killed the boy who cried wolf! Our passive aggressive “Kindness...”  

Do you remember the story of the shepherd boy who was so unpopular, his  neighbors left him to die? Instead of providing responsible oversight and teaching him through appropriate consequences, they just left him to his own ends. 

They literally desensitized themselves to the dangers the boy faced,  blamed him for failing to meet their expectations, and left him to die.

Even though they knew he lacked the maturity to deal with the dangers, they closed their eyes, turned away and lost him to the wolves along with their their pasture full of mutton.

This story always makes me ask, where were the adults?

Today we have created similar circumstances in our homeless communities. But instead of failing one shepherd boy, we now have failed to prepare portions of an entire generation. Or so it seems.

How, you say? By relieving ourselves of our generational responsibilities. Our responsibility to instill maturity through  appropriate and protective consequences; through providing reality based social and moral structures. 
Personally, I am shocked that we have become so desensitized. I know that other nations like India had normalized apathetic indifference long ago. That they routinely accept the impending deaths of the destitute and starving just outside their doors with barely a pause. But here in America? This is new for me. How about you?

But it is true! Right now, countless numbers of our young people are literally dying in the streets of the cities we live in as we casually support those that perpetuate their enslavement to addictions. 
Again, I am not talking about India or Asia. Thousands of our young adults and children die as prey to an enemy far more cunning than any pack of wolves ever could be.

How could this be? The video below talks about a tent camp much like the ones in your neighborhood.

KPTV FOX 12 Oregon

And scores of deaths in our Beaverton schools...

KGW News

But could there be a bigger picture?

Do we live in a purely capitalistic world, controlled only by supply and demand, or are there other forces at work? For the bigger picture, we have to consider other causes and effects, and what is likely to come next if political powers are involved, because, believe it or not, this could actually be a visible part of a much larger global movement. Below I will present a possible scenario, and end with a description of what happened in a free country that was forcibly placed under a tightly controlled socialist system.

Currently the producers of fentanyl in China are working tirelessly in concert with the Cartel networks of Central America to EXPLODE the supply and rapid distribution of very cheap, highly addictive, deadly drug products to an American army of mostly young, volunteer users of which many are hopelessly addicted to their products.

 Yes, out of their seeming generosity the Chinese suppliers have cut prices to rock bottom levels to make the supply affordable and profuse in clockwork harmony with our Covid shutdowns and the disruptions of the recent BLM global protest movements. Yes those were the protest movements that Vice President Harris labeled as essential! Did you participate? 

The leaders of this movement chose to signify their goals with the upraised, “Communist fists of solidarity.” 

This movement was extremely effective and triggered a majority of our US legislators to further align their efforts with the leader of the, "People for the American Way. The result was to stop the vast numbers of criminal prosecutions and call for the defunding  and restricting of protective police interventions. 

It was the igniter that lit the fires of social change. Fires that effectively desensitized the people of America

Consider the video below. It was created five years ago and as you can see, the efforts of this oligarch have been very, very effective. 

But how can you say that! Wasn't this movement an awakening of the global conscience! Didn't it awaken the masses to struggle against class and racial oppression and the abuses of, "Puritanical," sexual morality! Aren't we embracing freedom? We are a, "Progressive," people! Aren't we?

And we as a progressive people have responded in perfect harmony with their goals!  We have enhanced and broadened the distribution of death by cutting our focused police enforcement efforts; by decriminalizing most drug sales and use, and by refusing to prosecute the property crimes and other related abuses that allow continued use the like theft and prostitution that funds their efforts.
Through these, seeming “Progressive Advances,” our city centers have been shut down, many of our small businesses bankrupted and our communities have begun to rot and decay. Currently record numbers of our growing volunteer army of addicts die quietly on the sidelines of our society. A tribute to our newly found, ”Politically Correct Compassion.”
But is this the worst of it? Or could there be more to come?
Have you stopped to consider what will happen when China’s benevolent pricing wanes thin and she raises the price of the drugs so many thousands now cherish so deeply?
What will this voluntary army do? Will it continue to lie dormant on the sidelines dying quietly as they do now. With their habit maintenance costs so comfortably low? Or will they rise up and violently take whatever they believe they need to feed their  addiction. Although already huge in comparison to past decades; This problem is much smaller than it could be due to a seeming generosity in keeping pricing low. But what will happen when the price doubles? Or triples? Or quadruples?
Commitment to feeding an addiction is greater than commitment to country or commitment to racial justice or commitment to family or religion or political beliefs or even personal integrity or opinion.
At America’s birth, a gunshot occurred that historians say was heard around the world. At that time, the people in the colonies united to fight for what they saw as freedom. Today I wonder whether I will also hear shots fired at people like me that fail to embrace today’s progressive global revolution. It clearly is time to WAKE-UP and take our country back. Fortunately the generations that preceded ours created a form of Government that maximized a true diversity of opinion and more importantly a search for true diversity of benefit. 
At one time this was the true meaning of, "for the public good." Actions that would benefit every part of society.

Imagine how quickly the Covid epidemic would have ended if our leaders dedicated their efforts to exploring the diversity of medical and scientific opinion and benefit, rather than maximizing fear through punitive punishments and reality distorting narrative controls.  

Our system of representative government still exists and can function again if we the people choose to speak up. Not with the communist fist of blind solidarity, but with the resolve of faith and reason and genuine love for our fellow man and woman. I am hoping that it is not already too late.
Two years ago I asked many of you to pray with me that God would deliver our world from the scourges brought on by the Covid pandemic, both through the illness and through our many overreactions and punishments we inflicted on each other. 

Today I am asking you to pinch yourself, open your eyes, and WAKE-UP and SEE WHAT IS HAPPENING around you and then pray soberly for our nation and also find ways to do your part as an American citizen. It's time to become active in campaigns and vote intelligently.

If you by chance have formed an allegiance to the progressive views signified by the upraised, “Communist fist of solidarity,” I think the following video will be enlightening.
As I have mentioned in previous posts, I was adopted from a German orphanage shortly before the creation of the Berlin Wall. My extended birth-family lived on the Communist side in the German Democratic Republic. I reunited with them as an adult at age 52. 

The following Video describes the changes they experienced as they were forcefully molded into a Socialist Collective State that was committed to the goals of absolute equity for the working class.  

The video is a combination of personal testimony and historical documentary. 

I added the subtitles to present my family history and highlight the parallels I see between the changes they experienced and what we are experiencing today. 
Returning to the GDR an Adoptees POV
Video Information:

 An adoptee‘s POV on East Germany,
Collectivist thought and sacrifice
This personalized video is focused on how citizens in the new German
Democratic Republic adapted from childhood to adulthood. It presents
how my birth family immigrated to East Germany, the lives of people
their age upon their arrival, and how they adapted.
It also highlights our reunification. Personal photography, video and
comments are interspersed as themes intersect. Throughout the
video, I provide a running commentary of how the forced changes in
the German Democratic Republic compared with changes I see happening
here in the United States. This video is presented as a viewpoint commentary
of the content I described.
“All the videos, songs, images, and graphics used in the video
belong to their respective owners and I or this channel does not claim
any right to any but the personal content that I added.
Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance
is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting,
teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by
copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing.”
The original source, “The Lost World of Communism,” was produced
by Peter Molloy and Lucy Hetherington and debuted on BBC Two
on Saturday, March 14, 2009. It was the first in a series of three. The video titled,
“A Socialist Paradise; How the collapse of communism affected people in the
'socialist paradise' of East Germany,” was used.
This was the first in a three-part British documentary series examining the legacy
of communism and offering glimpses into the daily lives and thoughts of those
living behind the Iron Curtain between 1945 and 1989.
It utilized film and television footage and recollections from personal interviews
and scenes from historical events. It and the other two episodes can be
viewed on you-tube as well as many other internet sites that feature documentaries.
The original is considerably longer, and covers many topics that I have not
included, some of which would be considered, “adult only,” topics with
sexually explicit scenes. All of these, including any revealing displays of nudity
have been intentionally omitted from this video, as these topics are not specific to
the viewpoint commentary I am presenting.