Saturday, November 9, 2019

Mission Impeachable: Please excuse my cynicism



Photo sources above:

Pictured above is newly elected President Zelenskiy of the Ukraine.

Zelenskiy won the Presidency in April of 2019 by a populist landslide even after blowing off news interviews and scheduled debates with sitting Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko.

click video for unique election story 

Poroshenko (pictured below) is the President that Obama denied lethal military assistance to, and Vice President Biden pressured into firing the ineffective Prosecutor General, Viktor Shokin. Shokin who was also moving to investigate the company that his son Hunter worked for. Poroshenko would be considered an oligarch in decline falling from billionaire plus status to only 3/4's of a billion with the loss of Crimea to Russia in 2014.  

click link below for Obama story
click link below for Biden story
Newly Elected President Zelenskiy is a former law student and very popular television personality in the Ukraine who ran a strong media campaign against corruption. Porosheko lost to Zelenskiy over the corruption issue in a 70% landslide even with four years of support from Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter who was reported to be there to fight corruption in Ukraine. It makes me wonder how the Ukrainians viewed US efforts?  

Click link below for Hunter stories.

Zelensky's very successful campaign was sponsored by billionaire oligarch Igor Kolomoyskyi. Kolomoyskyi who owned the Television broadcasting Station that aired, "Servant of the People," where Zelensky played a fictional role as President of the country of Ukraine. Kolomoyskyi was also the key planning and financial person responsible for resisting Putin's military incursion into Crimea.

Click link below for interesting story.

Considering Zelensyi transition from entertainer to politician similar to Donald Trump, what do you think their political decorum was like? Were their conversations carefully planned and diplomatically precise? What kind of concerns do you think they would have discussed?

And now, lets consider our leadership culture of entitlement and opportunism. It seem that the uproar started when Trump began exposing the culture of entitlement held by our elite class of dignitaries.

In essence Trump is pissing in their pool of Privilege! 
I am amazed at the exploits open to those at the top our political culture. Perhaps Trump didn't know how easy and apparently legal, it could be for him to enrich his relatives via governmental channels. Perhaps he is angered by their competition?

Just because it is NOT LEGAL for the Dignitaries from other countries to enrich their extended families through crony capitalism INSIDE THE US. That doesn't make it illegal for America's Politicians to enrich their family members abroad.

But then, wouldn't this be the international version of the very swamp that Trump promised to drain? Perhaps he's doing a better job than I thought! Perhaps the Hunter thing is a bull's-eye!

We currently have a shameful  culture of crony enrichment on foreign shores by
US Government leaders. 

The examples of the partnerships of John Kerry's stepson, Chris Heinz, Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden and long time friend co-partner Devon Archer who rode Joe Biden's coat tails to Ukraine to earn over $50k/month (with no experience) at Burisma, accumulating over $3/mill. A repeat of a similar coat tail opportunity in China with expected future earnings possibly in the $100's of millions. And let's not forget Chelsea who politely tucks away over $300K/annually from her parent's "Charitable Foundation."

We are told not to consider any of these extremely generous earnings as signs of abuse or corruption. Even when funded by charitable donations or public funds from very poor or dependent nations. In fact we are instructed to view these earnings as the tangible evidence of our fight against poverty and corruption, a pathway to personal enrichment sponsored by the struggle of the vulnerable, one only made possible by their direct connections with currently serving or past top US Governmental figures.

I found the article below informational. As with most things today, the beginning paragraphs seems misleading. It seems to say, "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain." I suggest that you look carefully.
See Details in links below:

If not corruption, at the very least, they are a form of crony capitalism by an American Aristocracy. One that is illegal for representative of other countries to do in these United States.  

Biden and Ukraine: What we know about corruption claims - BBC News 

A Seeming Decline in Corruption?
Since his election, Trump's lack of avarice in office makes him seem something like a choir boy compared to his history. Why did he wave his salary? Is he loud and boisterous? Yes! Impulsive? Sometimes. But Corrupt to the point of requiring Impeachment? Not so much.

His history shows his ability to maneuver, ever hugging the line that edges corruption. But isn't he merely common among his class of accusers. I am shocked at how blatantly his enemies compromise themselves as they spread their hypocrisy in their efforts to bringing this political rookie down. If their claims were not solidly based in the truth, what were they? 

Mission Impeachable
(click arrow 2 times to start)
(click R corner box for full screen)

Since his election I have seen many seemingly dignified leaders  abandon their principles and descend into a morass of indignancy. 

Considering the degree of opposition he has endured. He must be having a big effect.

As citizens we need to keep all of these action in context with our past. True Democracy allows a seesaw of agendas that effectively result in a balancing of extremes, this is the assumed goal of a Democracy. A self correcting effect. To date this President is way behind in comparison to his predecessor. It will take some time for him to catch-up with Obama's well organized displays of effective disregard for law. The following is from 2014. 

The speaker in the video below provides some perspective for what is and is not typical of our Presidents. Hear her as she discusses several administrations and their Supreme Court Cases.

I think it is important in watching the video to remember that our last President understood and even taught Constitutional law, so his actions are fully intentional, not faux pas. I wonder if tweets could be consider faux pas?

The video describes how deep and wide today's swamp really is and how it is grown with each new President.

Content starts at minute 5:30.

Across the board, reactions to Trump's arrival have been extreme and battle lines were drawn before his arrival as many in America resisted Trump's bulldogged determination to dial back the expansive governmental intrusions of Obama's "Fundamental Changes," Did we really need bathroom legislation? Come-on? Really? And if so why only for select groups? Where are the provisions for the general population?

And now an Impeachment?  Where President Zelenskyi, the supposed victim, denies any offence in his interactions with Trump and has repeatedly denied being pressured or feeling dismissed or offended in seeking audience or funding support.

So who was offended and why do they want to disrupt our Government? 

As a citizen I want to see accountability. I want laws that spring from compromise in our legislature. I do not want impositions by activist majorities, activist judges or even an activist executive branch. And I don't want legislators to impose themselves as judges!

I want to see a return to Representative Government. A Government that works to identify and accomplish common goals. One that overcomes partisan power struggles through identifying reasonable points of compromise and self Censure.

It's time for the average Jane and Joe to act and fire the disruptive activist driven crowd. Starting with the two on the porch. 

Impeachment... Yes or No?

When and how is impeachment applicable?

Listen as Judge Napolitano explains the powers of impeachment, how it is applied and when it is applicable. I think you will find the facts very surprising.  

Judge Napolitano: Enough Evidence 'to Justify About Three or Four Articles of Impeachment.'

So if it is possible? Why am I so suspicious of the legitimacy or effectiveness of the current Impeachment Proceeding?

Simply because it is a POORLY CHOSEN TARGET! The specific opening charges are PETTY. Especially when compared to what Nepolitano described later in the video. 

This Ukrainian conversation was too routine, the event too well tolerated as stated over and over by the supposed victim and the request/demand too reasonable since the company that Biden was connected with had a significant history of corruption as stated by the prosecutor's witness. 

Under these circumstances, conducting an investigation was a reasonable request.

Since the leaders of the House chose the wrong target they will most likely loose the case. But in loosing they will effectively maintain the divisive political animosity.

This negative energy has been very useful to the Democrats throughout the Trump Presidency. Of all Trump's seemingly shady dealings this conversation with Zelensky was a minor event. It is the wrong focus for removing a sitting President. Perhaps the Democrats will achieve a legal success in the House, but it will be blocked and he will be acquitted in the Senate. 

The strategy's only success, is it's ability, to create and maintain division and animus, for inspiring agitation. Like the impeachment process, it's power is purely political! It keeps the divisive foment whipped up! 

As the current hearsay of the Ukraine phone call case is played out, as just happened with the Russian collusion case. Reporting will continue to focus on demonizing the President's acts of legal representation and strategic self defense. 

Focusing public hatred toward our Constitutional Protections is a very foolish strategy. Essential to liberty, even when they seem to protect unpopular leaders, this type of criticism erodes public appreciation for our Constitution. The right to Legal self defense is a foundational Constitutional Right. Weakening our civil rights, is the predictable destination of this case. 

One would hope that our press would enlighten and expose these vulnerabilities. But we as audience seem to prefer gossip, pandering, conjecture and hearsay. With the advent of the internet, and the decline of the written press, fewer and fewer reporters are freed to bring these type of quandaries out into the light.

During the 2016 Republican primaries the internet driven media seemed to manipulate the political discussion. Through shallow focus in selecting topics and preoccupation with what sizzles, they  seem to intentionally
disregard listener sensibility. In election coverage they highlight the seemingly weakest and most outrageous candidate. In 2016 it was Trump. And they banish the views and actions of other more moderate candidates to the shadows of obscurity. 

Currently they seem to be doing the same in the 2020 Democratic Primaries as moderate views are either ridiculed or ignored and points of gossip are highlighted. Where have all the moderates gone?

The Democratic Party was once know for their moderate positions. Have they really evaporated?  Do you think it is "Fake News?" I don't think, Fake News, is the best description. 

Perhaps...The selling of ,"Consumer Animus," like flavors of ice-cream is more accurate. It seem that positions of animus are being marketed for our selection through partisan media sources. Are we being moved to journalist cultural that values activist protest over representative government? Does the end now justify the means in political thought and journalism?

We need reform in our media. A process that sparks true investigative reporting to create a less biased, more informed populace. Investigation that avoids the belittling narrative and lecturing, we now experience.

In the 2016 election, who would have thought so many would come out against the status quo. Who would have thought Trump would win after all of his pre-election 
faux pas that were presented by the media?.... But he did. And in doing so he showed himself to be a very clever media manipulator, self marketer and campaigner.

If you want a real response from the public on Trump's aberrant behaviors, you need to demand a real impeachment case that concerns them. Not a point of diplomatic protocol. The recent Syrian blunder was nearly as bad as anything that happened under Obama and will haunt Trump at the next election. But surprisingly the media is ignoring the details.

Consider Trump's act of giving the World Stage to Turkey's authoritarian leader, Erdogan 
from the White House pulpit. What a blooper! And again no news. Quid pro quo? Does any of this have anything to do with the Trump Tower that was built in Turkey back in 1992? 

In surrendering the White House Pulpit, many across the Arab world see Trump's actions as an endorsement of Erdogan's  December 2017 OIC statements. 
(see video below) 

These statements were made before the worlds second largest international governmental body, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. Which hosts 59 member nations. In his speech OIC, Secretary General, Erdogan railed against Trump's action in the region and condemned Trump for making Jerusalem the functional Capitol of Israel. 

In his speech he repeatedly called Israel an occupation force and labeled the official State of Israel, a Terrorist State,( see min 6:20 in video below). 

Erdogan's described the Israelis as occupying terrorists not unlike the YPG and PKK Kurdish groups which he recently attacked and dispersed from Northern Syria with Trumps seeming cooperation. At (min 16.00) Erdogan describes the city of Jerusalem as, the OIC's "Red Line," declaring it to be the Capital of Palestine.

Hopefully his actions will reflect the passivity of Obama.

At the end of his speech Erdogan alludes to the re-establishment of a glorious Caliphate to unify the 1.7 billion members of the Islamic world. 
All of this is very amazing!

It appears that we in America like the other players are currently taking our place on the stage of Jewish, Islamic and Christian prophecy. And he is preparing a two state peace plan as well.

In spite of all of this...  As Christians and Jewish believers we are encouraged to watch and pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

To have a winning Impeachment case, the Ukraine charge should not be the emphasis. Perhaps even be dropped and Nepolitano's list inserted. It has been Trump who has consistently provided both offensive and defensive armaments to the Ukraine. Armaments that the Obama administration withheld. 

It is good to remember that Obama was very reticent about supporting the previous newly elected leader of Ukraine,  Petro Poroshenko.  His approach was economic support through loans to stabilize Ukraine's Economy. His optimism and desire to avoid escalation and expansion of the conflict, resulted in the loss of over 10,000 Ukrainian lives. Hear him explain the principles of his Kerry led strategy (starting at min 4:30) of how allowing Ukraine to be victimized will help Putin choose wisely in fear of being ostracized from the West. (huh?)

Obama's aid package was small and restricted to non lethal aid. Later packages increased  the amount of nonlethal aid, but only Trump provided the type of aid that BOTH President Poroshenko and President Zelensky REQUESTED. 

With Trump's contribution, aid to Ukraine quickly expanded and since the Crimean annexation we have provided over $1.5 billion in both lethal defensive aid to the Ukraine.

Now we will watch and see as this President undergoes the scrutiny of a full Impeachment hearing. And if you are a person of the Christian faith, Prayer for our leaders is customary, both for them as persons and for our nation under their leadership.  

I found the last day of the Impeachment hearings very informative. As Dr. Fiona Hill and Mr. Holmes presented their disciplined actions and described their hopes for diplomatic integrity, they also shared a justifiable disappointment in seeing the laissez-faire, and too often misguided actions of our executive leaders. Their testimonies were sobering.

But if you listen. The underlying goals of these professionals was  to foster international faith and confidence in US diplomacy and in the office of the U.S. Presidency. To them, the idea of dividing the country over an impeachment, was the last thing America needs, or the World for that matter. And yet almost simultaneous with their statements about the destruction caused by the divisive effect of the Russian election interference, Mr Schiff pulled the trigger for even greater divisiveness. One that is "for our own good, to protect the Constitution" of course.

It seems there should be some other mechanisms where presiding party members could establish a tradition of censure or some similar corrective mechanism. The process should consider observations and suggestions from political opponents, but not be led by them. A process initiated and facilitated by presiding party members.

Since his election, President Trump has earned several opportunities for this type of censure as did President Obama before him. Following Trump's lead, we seem to have abandoned  our sense empathetic understanding. Without it we are left in a quandary. We are forced to either divide to impose an impeachment or ignore and maintain the status quo.

Instead of waiting for a crisis or expanding on the perception of dirt... What if we developed sub-levels of correction that do not require disrupting our entire Nation, and destabilizing world perceptions?

Below are some additional background details of the events leading to this process and their uniqueness, taken from the Ted Cruz talk below. 

SEN. CRUZ: Has Trump impeachment been a legitimate process—or partisan weapon?

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Christian and Humanist Tradition

Recently I came across a post from someone I think very highly of and it caused me to ponder and respond. My response was not so much to him, or the post alone but to the content of the video he posted, so listening to the video below will bring understanding to the discussion that follows. Here is the post:

Happy coming out day to my LGTBQ friends. I love you all. Sorry for all the crap Christians (of whom I am one) have thrown at you because they are too scared to love. I hope that some day we'll all fully understand the answer to the question, "who is my neighbor?". 💖

Click this picture or link below to see video. 
found online at

Responder 1, Those folks are not Christians. If you can not follow his second commandment, then you are not a follower of his. "Love your neighbor as yourself." #thegoldenrule

Responder 2, A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. John 13:34

Me to Poster, In the video I find Mayor Pete's encouragement to avoid self-centered attitudes in marriage and to display kindness and benevolence toward others very commendable. These values truly are a part of the Christian faith as described in the texts of the Bible. 

But his jump to progressive ideals, specifically, same-sex marriage, in this case are not a part of Christian tradition, Christian practice or Christian teaching. These values are taken directly from the affirmations of the Humanist Manifesto III as quoted below. 
Unknowingly most of us have been inundated with theses values, most often unaware of their source, as they were being taught in our schools.

According to the American Humanist Association

"Humanism" is a progressive philosophy of life (Hence the term Progressive)  that, without supernaturalism, affirms our ability and responsibility to lead ethical lives of personal fulfillment that aspire to the greater good of humanity." 

quote source: 

As with other faiths, Humanist affirmations serve to create a unity of direction and purpose. The Affirmation below from Humanist Manifesto II states a need to change ethics and reshape religious views of morality.  See quote below.

"Some humanists believe we should reinterpret traditional religions and reinvest them with meanings appropriate to the current situation...."We appreciate the need to preserve the best ethical teachings in the religious traditions of humankind, many of which we share in common. But we reject those features of traditional religious morality that deny humans a full appreciation of their own potentialities and responsibilities. Traditional religions often offer solace to humans, but, as often, they inhibit humans from helping themselves or experiencing their full potentialities.... Too often traditional faiths encourage dependence rather than independence, obedience rather than affirmation, fear rather than courage...

Me to Poster, In our multicultural experiment called America, Humanist perspectives have been helpful.  They have served as cultural homogenizers. Historically they have accentuated cultural harmonies and lessened cultural differences. Traditionally they present a secular-semi-libertarian perspective, providing guidelines of tolerance between various sects in America. But when institutionalized these beliefs have taken on a religious orthodoxy of their own. Like other religious movements, they have seized predominance in social and political power displacing many of the traditional teachings of Christianity and other religious cultures.

As America has moved away from her founding Christian traditions and our history has been reinterpreted through this "New Humanist Lens," it is easy to ignore or even deny the facts of our historical culture and past.

It is deceptive for Mayor Pete's to syncretize Christian teachings with Humanist doctrine without saying so. And if he is unaware, I truly fear for our future religious liberties as he seems to be committed to placing boundaries on traditional religious expression in accordance with his Humanist Ideals. 

Since his, "Tradition," is more a Mixture of select Christian values modified to fit a Humanist framework, he should be bold enough to accurately say so.

Responder 3 to Me, The scriptures do not give equal weight to the idea that homosexuality is sin and love your neighbor. One of these is mentioned in a handful of verses, most of them in the old testament, while the other is a primary theme of the entire Bible.

Me to Responder 3,  I am only presenting the sources. I was alert and present during this time of social change. Simply a witness. The choice in allegiance is up to each of us to make according to our own conscience. I have no stones to cast. Each person's decision on how to live their life, or what teachings they will follow is entirely their choice. Their actions are completely up to them according to their conscience, not mine. 

My job is to be a witness, not a judge. I also believe that their decision will either move them toward or away from communion with God, but without His Grace we are separated regardless of our efforts. I also believe that there is only one Mediator, Christ Jesus who sacrificed himself for our redemption. 

The following video presents an encouragement for Christ professing believers to connect with and accept the humanity of all persons regardless of their sexual attraction or struggles with experiencing comfort in their gender presentation.

I also think it is reasonable to assume that Mayor Pete beliefs are similar to mine. I am not questioning his Christian belief. When he says that feels closer to God while resisting the temptation to be self-centered. I believe him, and I share his view that God is bigger than our understanding although I don't think it is possible to, "make God bigger," than He already is. 

My critique is that Mayor Pete is mixing sources as though both teaching are the same. They are not the same. The Progressive Ideals championed in the texts of Humanism are not the teaching of Christianity.

Original Poster to Me, I appreciate you and you are entitled to feel the way you do. I also appreciate that you were magnanimous enough to recognize at least some of the video as a Christian perspective.

That said, your post is a great example of the insecurity and fear I mentioned in my post. So many Christians seem to need to defend God. Why? I posted a video and stated that the church has not shown love to the LGTBQ community. Your response is not one of love but of defensive action. You wrote a post representing "Christianity" and basically reiterated the "sorry but homosexuality is an abomination and anyone who says something else is not Christian" argument. I have many responses to that. Before I say anything else, I want to point the fact of this reaction out. As long as Christians "circle the wagons" they will not love like Christ calls them to. It is not possible for us to do that, which is the whole point of what I posted.

1. I have heard the "Humanists are taking over our culture" from my parents many times. I am concerned that you equate "human rights", which I see described in the quotes you have given, with humanism. Do you feel religion/Christianity should "deny humans an appreciation of their full potentiality or responsibility"? I don't. To agree with the humanist perspective does not make one a humanist.

2. I don't think it is deceptive of Mayor Pete to describe his experience as a Christian... Just like I am not a pagan when I say I "feel close to God when I am in nature". It seems to me that you are threatened by the possibility that his gay marriage could be used by God to enrich his Christian faith. He explicitly stated that this is his personal view/experience... What is deceptive about sharing your experience?

3. I think the question "what is Christian?" Is much more complicated than you represent here. I think the answer to that question with reference to culture has consistently changed since the time of Christ. People read things differently... Specifically people choose to focus more/less on aspects of Christianity that are important to them. Here is another "Christian perspective" that was offered in the last year. Do you think that it is more or less Christian than that of Pete?

Tennessee Pastor Who Is Also a Detective Calls for L.G.B.T. People to Be Executed

It's certainly more biblical... And less humanist... But something tells me you don't support this view. So where do you fall between the two perspectives? And do you represent "Christianity" in your perspective because you read your Bible more? Pray more? Etc?

The silent acceptance of doctrines as I just posted while arguing against the very idea that a Gay guys perspective can be called Christian communicates a LOT about the state of the conservative Christian Church... And that state is NOT one of love toward those who are LGTBQ.

Me to Original Poster, I appreciate your compassion!  As I stated earlier my focus in writing is to unravel the sources of these beliefs, not the person.

I have been very alert and present during the fundamental social changes of the last two decades. During this time I have witnessed a huge shift of allegiance.

Each person's choice of allegiance is personal according to their own conscience. How others will live and what teachings they will follow is up to them in accordance with their conscience, not mine. I am simply to be a witness of God's work in my life, not act as the judge of others.

I also believe that each person's decision will either move them toward or away from communion with God, and that without His Grace we are separated regardless of all of our efforts. Christianity teaches that there is only one Mediator, Christ Jesus who sacrificed himself for our redemption. I think it is reasonable to assume that Mayor Pete believes similarly and I know that you do. I am not questioning anyone's Christian belief.

When he says that feels closer to God while resisting the temptation to be self-centered. I believe him, and I share his view that God is bigger than our understanding although I don't think it is possible to, "make God bigger," than He already is.

My critique is to his sloppiness in allegiance. I become concerned when we mix our beliefs either knowingly or unknowingly. In Recovery unknowingly is called denial. All teachings are not equal in weight. They are not the same, and the teachings of Humanism do not outweigh the teachings of Christianity for believers.

I have no problem with considering the Progressive Ideals championed in the texts of Humanism if they are (not) presented as the tenants of Christianity. Frankly among the candidates I appreciate Mayor Pete's courage to expose himself as a believer and in stating he participates in a walk of faith.

As we embrace these particular tenants of Humanism however, we close the door of encouragement and communion with many. In our "Pride," We discount the plight and aspirations of those who do not embrace same sex temptation. These people are not unlike others who struggle with premarital sexual temptation or pornographic temptation or a myriad of other temptations now considered harmless under Humanism. We close the door by discounting the hopes of believers who have chosen to commit themselves to living chaste or even celibate lives in thought word and deed in obedience to Christ.

To single out the gay community as being beyond redemption is evil and wrong, and to neglect to stand in confidence and faith with these individuals who choose Biblical obedience is also wrong. Supporting same sex attracted people in overcoming feelings of shame and isolation to identify realistic hope is a loving act that should not be discounted. 

Accompanying them in their walk as they take up their cross, and we take up ours, in mutual obedience is the light and easy burden that we share. This burden is far too heavy for any of us to carry alone, but in His strength it is easy. It is our crown.

as compared with...

Me to Original Poster, PS... According to statistics, the vast majority non LGBTQ young people and adults who profess Christianity follow similar tenants of Humanist teaching in their cohabitation and sexual practice before marriage and between marriages, so my criticism is not specifically with the LGBTQ community at all. It is with the dishonesty in Western Humanist-Christian teaching.

Original Poster to Me, I appreciate your desire to preserve Christian beliefs in our changing culture. I may just be closer to that culture than you and so I am less inclined to feel it asks for too much. But I have thought through this stuff a lot and what I am saying (I think) is bigger than defining "sexual sin"... And fitting it into place with other rooms. In fact, I don't think that debate about homosexuality as sin is possible without first stepping back and thinking about what it means to have a "biblical" or "Christian" perspective. I see those things differently than years ago so when we talk about them I think we are sometimes talking about to different things.

To all my captive audience members, sorry if you don't want to hear this conversation! I'm sure you can block it... Though I don't know how!

I am gonna talk about change in culture and it's affect on the Bible. In doing so, I'll say much more that can be picked apart and criticised (unlike my earlier more general statements) Oh, well... And it will be with reference to abortion because:
1. It is the first place you went with reference to Pete's "marginalized people", posting a video of an abortion survivor.
2. It is something I have been struggling with a lot since Alabama.
3. It is an example of people's reading of the Bible getting less humanist over time so it may resonate with you.

The only reference to abortion in the Bible is in Exodus 21... And the fetus doesn't get human rights. Unlike most "biblical values" we (many modern conservative states) are MORE conservative than the actual Bible on this subject. How is that possible? Again, it is cultural shift and context.

Many early Jews believed that babies were golems... People made of mud that life would be breathed into upon birth. That is how Adam was created as well. In fact, the word "Golem" is used to describe a fetus is the passage just after David says "you knit me together in my mother's womb". Then, a baby would become a living human when they were born and God " breathed life into them"... So as soon as they took their first breath the were considered living people. Many Jews and Christians still follow this tradition.

Enter Greek civilization: They believed differently about conception... Some even arguing that life began at ejaculation... Just look at the story of the Greek gods. That is, in my opinion, why we have accounts of babies in the womb who are sentient... Like John the Baptist leaping in his mothers womb... Such stories would make no sense in the old testament. But cultural change had occured and Christianity changed with it... Such as Catholic teachings on contraception.

Race forward to the present. We now know that fetuses feel sensations and respond to stimuli. We can record their heartbeats and do surgery in-womb. I am tempted to get into the politics of the pro-life stance but that detracts from my point... And here it is:

Which view of the unborn is biblical? The Hebrew? The Greek? The Conservative American? I mean, with science having progressed, can we really reinterpreted the meaning of "fearfully and wonderfully made" when the original meaning was God creating a husk into which He would later breathe life.
And here the real kicker: If we can reinterpreted scripture based on culture and current scientific discoveries with reference to the unborn, why can't we do the same for other things... Say homosexuality?

These are my thoughts... They are personal and imperfect and as concise as I could make them. Just to clarify my point is that cultural shift has ALWAYS changed scripture and how it is read. It is scary to consider the repercussions: for the most part, no one is allowed to say "that changes the bible"... Instead, they realize that their culture and their perspective do not lay claim to the Bible... So they have to listen to those they may disagree with.
This is a frustrating and uncertain perspective that I struggle with, but that feels more like God than a lot of thing have for quite a while.That's all.

Me to Original Poster, I appreciate your openness, I didn't realize there were so many edits. As you know, I am a noticer. In Ezekiel Chapter 3 it talks about a Watchman. Ezekiel was a commissioned watchman, but the principle of the watchman is not specific to a person.

We all have a responsibility to notice and inform. Florence Nightingale founded nursing when she noticed patients getting sicker after unsanitary surgeries and challenged her culture. We are all to be responsible with the things we notice. 

Among noticers, I am also a ponderer, a researcher and a communicator. I appreciate that fact that you are too. Your clear response has broadened my understanding of how it can be reasonable to hold differing opinions. Especially  as it has changed so much through history, but I just can't help noticing... they all cannot be correct, so... 

On the original theme of coming out, I, mostly because of my exposure to Recovery, have been present at many more coming out and away from an alternate lifestyle celebrations than celebrations of embracing an alternate lifestyle.  

At these celebrations, the statements are also positive about the change they have experienced. Much like the statements made by Mayor Pete. But these are celebrations of support for the person. People are not. "a cause." Therefore, supporting, "Who," in who is making the choice, is far more important than the political opinions of our culture. 

I only hope that as a culture we will be able to respect the rights of individuals regardless of their choices and offer the variety of types of support they request. 

The following is a discussion and a playist on the topic of choosing to come out. Since many people are concerned about coercive practices and coercive laws, this freedom of choosing can be very controversial. 

In my presentation on the playlist in the link below, I attempted to present information from multiple perspectives. Click (LINK BELOW) not Screen-Capture Image that follows.

Friday, November 1, 2019

With the recent death of Abu Bakr Albagdadi,

And the turn of events along the Syrian border, perspective can be helpful. The clips below describe Kayla Mueller and her families' experience as they trusted in director James Comey's FBI and Secretary of State John Kerry under Obama.
A tragic story of a very courageous young woman! Click videos below to see -15 minute - 20/20 presentations and article of her story. There are additional video links are at the bottom of the ABC 20/20 page if you click the label. (well worth the listen)

Her parent have created a foundation in her honor.

Although taken tortured and eventually humiliated as a sex slave according to the (in)justice of Islamic Law in the caliphate led by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, recently US forces honored her example of strength, courage and self sacrifice by destroying this caliphate and it's leader. Although a just and fair response, it was below Kayla's goal as a servant to the Gospel of Reconciliation that led her to Syria to begin with.
Her last Letter to her Family

So both in her sacrifice and the retribution that followed she is honored, as the operation to capture al-Baghdadi was named in her honor.

Kayla Mueller’s memory honored
 Cronkite News

See more at:

Free to Believe: The Battle Over Religious Liberty in America

Free to Believe: 

Battle Over Religious Liberty in America

Friday, October 25, 2019



On December 6th of 2011, former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton
spoke before the United Nations in Geneva Switzerland, giving what is considered to be her most famous speech. There she stated:

"All human beings are... free and equal in dignity and rights.. Rights, not conveyed by government, but the birthright of all people....


and because we have rights, Governments are bound to protect those rights... and allow freedom for the full expression of those rights.... "Today I want to talk to you about the work we have left to do to protect one group of people... in many ways, they are an invisible minority... Many are treated with contempt and violence by their fellow citizens while authorities empowered to protect them look the other way... "

Are you familiar with this speech? Is she saying that she is committed to protecting the rights of every person subject to violence or death due to discrimination? NO SHE IS NOT!

Here she is acknowledging the historical plight of the global LGBT population, and rightfully so; for the profound suffering they have endured.

But even as she strives to bring recognition to one group of hidden persons, she champions the destruction of another, as she continues to oppose any form of legal or social protections that would hinder their destruction. Another, much larger segment of our population: The unplanned, unborn among us.

Why are these humans residing in their mother's womb, deprived of their rights?

Is it our birth or our humanity that makes us deserving of dignity, freedom, and human rights?

As a human doesn't birthright include my right to be born?

The sanctuary of the womb is experienced by every human, regardless of race, creed or gender description. It is the natural place of nurturing and protection foundational to all positive human experience.

I heartily agree with the sentiments of Hillary's speech, but unlike Hillary or Bernie, I believe that every human, regardless of race, creed or gender description deserve dignity equality and the freedom to peruse their rights as LIVING HUMAN BEINGS whether wanted by the powerful people in their life or not.

See Hillary's statement on the rights of humans in the womb at,

Bernie Sanders statement on the rights of humans in the womb at,

See her full LGBT speech at..

Messaged Repies /Responses
(Reader's reply)...I get that you're against abortion and that you think that fetuses deserve equal rights to the mother.....
(My response)... I DO NOT SUPPORT EQUALITY. I oppose the right of a fetus, child or adult to end the life of their parent at any time. I believe that all humans deserve human rights, including parents, but precedence has been set that some family members can TERMINATE the lives of other family members under current law. This is what I oppose.
(Reader's reply)... But do you think Trump will be better on this issue than Clinton, and even if he is, how about the many other issues where Trump's positions seem horrible. Are you really a one issue voter or are you just appealing to emotion to get Trump elected?
(My response)... I am not writing about Trump. I am writing about what Hillary said in her speech and what is morally right as human beings. I would hope that both she and Trump would work to reduce the destruction of human lives.



photo source
Most American's my age or younger do not know that America's eugenics efforts were an inspiration to Hitler during the early years of his rise to power. They do not know that America's progressive movement guided and financed many of Hitler's efforts and their actions were used in defense of Hitler's policies at the Nuremberg Trials. This direct connection has some how been forgotten.
In harmony with these attitudes Margret Sanger an outspoken progressive promoted and sought support from racist organizations including the KKK as she strategically placed her population control centers in the locations most accessible to the target ethnic groups. Her stated goal was to reduce target populations. Read her writings below. (see featured article).
Since Roe V Wade in 1973, Sanger's organization has legally added the option of pre-birth extermination centers for the unwanted. 
Excluding natural demise due to old age, abortion is the leading cause of death in America. It exceeds death by disease, accident, homicide and suicide. Statistics show that death by abortion exceeds all unnatural causes of death COMBINED. Currently, over 58,000,000 of these exterminations have occurred in the U.S. since 1973. 
As you can imagine, when directed at specific populations; this is a very effective means of exterminating large numbers in a targeted group, and this is why many in the black community are asking that her statue be removed. What do you think the Smithsonian should do?
(note) Please excuse the insensitivity and bluntness in my use of the term "extermination." This is the term used to describe the camps created by Hitler to accomplish the same goals as described by Sanger in adult populations across Europe. They are labeled extermination camps. I apologize for any undue discomfort this may create. But extermination of the pre-born in targeted populations WAS THE INTENDED PURPOSE of these facilities and many in the black community are offended by this fact.

A very interesting and well detailed article on racism, eugenics, America and Hitler.

Featured article: 
A very interesting and well detailed article on racism, eugenics and Margret Sanger

Reader 1
Re: eugenics, Iceland has fewer Down's Syndrome people because they are opting to abort these specific pre born kids. Dr. Down characterized them as a regression of evolution. Personally, the Downs people that I have know have enriched my life.

Reader 2
Many of Sanger's writings indicate that this was the population she was trying to help. They didn't have medical care and had no alternative to pregnancy. Remember this was a time when a woman could not refuse her husband, but she had to provide full care for the children.

Reader 1
13 Things You Probably Don’t Know About Planned Parenthood Founder Margaret Sanger

 See no. 12 if you like, but it is pretty hard to read. With her in charge, some of my family would not have been born.

I think this is a very biased article. I would rather rely on complete articles from her. She didn't have a PR person for her sound bites, but her real concern was for the mothers she saw who were overwhelmed by the number of children they had to care for. Also there was not the tolerance for birth defects that we have now. Technology and medicine have helped correct or compensate for the defects she saw. There was little prenatal care, and nutrition was in its infancy. I'm glad your family survived and apparently flourished.

Reader 1
 I'm not sure what to say. Her quotes were her words. I'm not sure what context would be able to change the meaning. She was explicit. But if you know of a full article, you can share, please do.

I appreciate the thoughtful responses and the graciousness I see extended as we try to see each other and Ms Sanger in the best light possible. I only wish we could do the same thing today. Perhaps today Ms Sanger would modify her statements, even as our President frequently does. Wouldn't it be pleasant if he were more eloquent. But he is not, and in a similar manner Ms Sanger was also very blunt about her intentions in racial profiling which has been effectively carried out in the organization she founded. What do you think of the map described in the feature article below, showing the correlation of family planning clinics in Afro American Neighborhoods?

Reader 2
Hardly an unbiased source. She was not trying to eliminate the race but make life better for them. I am grateful, as a woman, that I did not have to conceive every time I had sex.

Reader 3
Guess I have to defend my homeland. Given the inbreeding that has occurred in Iceland, it has become a nation of serious study for gene pools. Pretty unique to the world, actually. My grandparents were first cousins. Alcoholism is prevalent in Iceland. Yet, we are as a group pretty smart and ahead of the times in the world. Proud to be an Icelander. We are, actually, pretty special.

Reader 1
 I am pretty certain that there are scads of admirable traits of Icedandic people. This one choice (among many good choices) is quite sad. I wonder if they are under some sort of duress. IDK. I hope that this changes for Iceland and it's people. It's sad to read. It's also hard for me to hear about.

"What kind of society do you want to live in?": Inside the country where Downs Syndrome is disappearing.

Reader 2
Here is a more even discussion of Ms. Sanger.
What Margaret Sanger Really Said About Eugenics and Race
Was she the racist that some allege?

Reader 3
Poverty and excessive reproduction do not work well together. I am an unpopular pro-choice individual. And it's far better to prevent unwanted pregnancies than to have to deal with the choices later.....

Although the article above is titled, "What she really said." It is not. 

It is the writer's interpretation of what she thought Sanger meant. Sanger's statements are alarmingly absent from the article. 

It wrongly separates the terms eugenics from racist. They were almost synonymous in Ms Sanger's time.

Today there is a separation because of the Civil Rights Movement and our greater scientific awareness. But Sanger didn't do her writing in our time. 

At the turn of the last century INFERIOR GENETIC STOCK WAS BLAMED FOR CREATING (what was seen as) "INFERIOR" ORGANISMS. 

Her's was the time when Darwin's Adaptation of the species and survival of the fittest was conjoined with Mendel's genetic model. Racial differences were viewed as steps of progression or regression on the evolutionary chain; One that separated perceived inferior people from other more superior people. 

Intentional selective breeding was the practice during that time period used to create desired breeds of cattle, horses, dogs, cats, etc. With knowledgeable application, progressives believed a from of selective breeding could and should be done with People as well.

Margret wrote extensively and enthusiastically about these goals that were both Eugenic and Racist, but her writings did not include expressions of hatred or intentions of punishment toward those that she clearly viewed as inferior. Her's was a presentation of hollow sympathy.... from a position of superiority as always seems the case with elitist views. 

The fact that she immersed herself into the Black Community and offered a sense of choice to the oppressed was definitely an act of controlled compassion and took courage. That it was seen as an effort to enrich lives and give a greater sense of freedom, or even remove oppression, appeared as a very praiseworthy effort.

But in reality it was also very racist. Those were the times she lived in, and that was the progressive elitist attitude of her day, and the attitude expressed in her writings. 

To more completely understand these attitudes the following article provides a great deal of detailed information.

Vulnerable women and their offspring 
have suffered HORRENDOUSLY!
True since the beginning of history, 
(but God hears)..... Not the hope you were looking for?

Some examples include: In the history of the Bible, Sarai's abuse of her pregnant slave Hagar who fled to die of starvation rather than suffer oppression at the hands of her mistress. The mother's in Isreal at Moses time and in Bethlehem, at the time of Christ's birth that faced the extermination of their live born males (which was not an uncommon occurrence in ancient times for conquered peoples.) There was the taking of female concubines that occurred then and continues today, especially under Islam. There was the divine right of kings and nobility and similar legal measures of oppression across Europe and Asia. And then of course there were the everyday facts written about by Margret Sanger and Upton Sinclair at the turn of the century in America. 

In recognition of this theme, King Solomon wrote: 

                    Ecclesiastes 4 (NIV)

Again I looked and saw all the oppression
       that was taking place under the sun:
         I saw the tears of the oppressed—
           and they have no comforter;
power was on the side of their oppressors—
            and they have no comforter.
            And I declared that the dead,
                 who had already died,
    are happier than the living, who are still alive.
But better than both is the one who has never been born,
who has not seen the evil that is done under the sun.

This section of scripture is not a directive, but a statement of fact. It is an acknowledgement of the hopelessness we experience in the futility of what we have created through our attitudes and behaviors. This futility and hopelessness is our sad inheritance.

I would liken obedience to this instruction to that of the staff of the Titanic gathering all of the weapons and ammunition on board and summarily executing all of the passengers that were not fortunate enough to fit onto the life boats. These executions would be done as acts of kindness in an effort to alleviate suffering by providing quick and easy deaths. This would not be unprecedented since similar acts were done in the conquest of Masada and Gamla in Israel, and more recently The People's Temple in Uganda, as they perished to avoid what they saw as a future of suffering. In each case death was imposed, (on their own people) by those in positions of power, even as we do in abortion. 

But back to Hagar who has fled to die in the wilderness.

Genesis 16 NIV
8 An angel appears and asks: “Hagar, Sarai’s maid, where have you come from, and where are you going?”
Hagar: “I am running away from my mistress.”
9-12 The Angel: “Return to your mistress and act as you should, for I will make you into a great nation. Yes, you are pregnant and your baby will be a son, and you are to name him Ishmael (‘God hears’), because God has heard your woes. 

He instilled a hope. 

My reaction on the Titanic would have been to remove the pins from all of the thousands of doors on the ship and bring them to the deck to build rafts for these people in the (HOPE) that rescue would come soon.

In dealing with the the handicapped, the in firmed, the orphan or the pregnant, our current ideas of a community of inclusion is a good start and for this I am proud to be an American.

To more completely understand progressive attitudes of eugenic during Sanger's time the following article provides a great deal of detailed information.